Shona's Goal Setting

  • practising

    practised doing splits for 5min
  • Pains

    I am begining to discover that growth pains are getting in the way. I continue to push myself even with painful distractions.
  • Jazz class

    I am getting less and less time during jazz class to practise so I'm mostly on my own now.
  • 20 minutes

    Today I spent 20 minutes practising the splits by holding the stretch. My legs are incredibly sore and pains continue to pester me. I have discovered that a great technique for helping with the pains is distracting myself with my Ipod. As I practise my cat attacks my legs
  • cracked leg

    I sprained my leg so I haven't been able to do my practising for the splits. It might be a while before I can stretch againg
  • Feeling better

    My leg is finnally feeling better so I can get back to stretching. My legs are still a little weak but I will survive.
  • watched a movie

    today I stretched throughout half of the first lord of the rings. unfortunaltly I jumped at one point, irritating the injury I had a week ago and now I'm a little sore.

    I've been so distracted that I haven't been practising enough and I havn't made much progress.
  • TV fun!

    I'm still not getting very close to my goal but I continue to practise even as I watch my favourite shows with my family.
  • Ugh

    Soo... don't ever practise the splits right after eating tons. My stomach hurts from falling over in an akward pose.
  • New passtimes

    I've starte to pass time by practising the splits and reading a book at the same time.
  • More movies

    I've been watching more movies while practising the spits. Today I watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • New technique

    I've figured out a stratagy to help me reach my goal. I go into the jazz splits then puch out more and more every half mnute.
  • Been busy

    I have been stretching lots but there has been nothing to report so I havn't updated the timeline for a few days. I'll say if anying interesting happens.
  • The splits book

    Wow still nothing happening, although I have chosen a book that's like my "splits book" and I can use it to record how much I practise. I'm about halfway through it.
  • How?

    Today I watched a youtube video where this dude like jumps and lands in the splits! It was sooo cool. I wish I could do that. Maybe I can with some time and effort.
  • finished

    I've finished my Splits book. I forgot to mention in my other post that the book is acctually the second book in the witch and wizard series. It's called The Gift.
  • Fun games.

    I have even started playing video games while stretching. it can get a little intense though.
  • boring

    nothing interesting happens right now and it's very boring.
  • bruised tailbone

    I bruised my tailbone and I don't think I'll be able to stretch for about a week.
  • still can't

    I still can't practise the splits. I'll update once I can.
  • I can

    I can stretch again! yay! lets make another book to read while doing the splits... I acctually already picked to reread the Hunger Games.
  • La La La

    I'm updating even though nothing interesting happened, oh well. maybe something will happen that's cool later.
  • so much more to do

    Today I played a game of hearts with my family. the game was long but I stretched through the whole thing. ( I got third place out of four.)
  • homework!

    Hey! I just discovered that I can do homework while stretching so I'm doing my entry while I stretch. It makes me type slow.
  • Nothing to report

    just been stretching, nothing to report about on the matter.
  • I watched a movie

    Today I watched the third lord of the rings ( which is really long) and I stretched throughout most if not all of it.
  • almost there

    I'm almost there! its just two inches from the ground! however, this is the hardest part to get to the ground.
  • I don't think I;ll complete it by the end of school

    I don't think I 'm going to be finishing my goal by the end of the school but maybe I will over the summer. Oh well. It will get done some day.
  • I will finish it through the summer

    I have not completed my goal and I don't beleive I will in the next three days and although I have been practising hard it is taking more than I expected.I hope to complete it over the summer but I unfortunatly can't before the end of school