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Sheil's Life

  • Birth of Aidan Sheil

    Birth of Aidan Sheil
    I believe my birth was very special. While I was still developing doctors could see a light in my heart. l was born on February Third, 2003. I was thrown into this world. I was the first of two. It was a new experience for both myself and my parents. I was a hopeless little kid who couldn't survive without someone helping me every step of the way. I had no idea why I was there, what my purpose of being there was and what the future held. Little did I know the bumpy ride I had ahead of me.
  • The Bus...

    The Bus...
    I was in second grade, I was on the bus ride home with my best friend Robert coming home from school. It was a normal ride until three 4th graders came up to our seat right before our stop. We were locked in, too weak to break through his locked arms. Trying desperately to leave the bus we climbed seats until we finally got off. Once I finally got home, I felt so embarrassed, I needed to learn how to defend myself, I won't just take it next time. I wont be embarrassed. I won't harassed again.
  • Moving to Brewster

    Moving to Brewster
    Towards the end of the 4th grade my mother and father asked me and my sister to make a decision that would change our lives forever. I used to live in Carmel but I was now 10, my sister 8. We quickly outgrew the house and with my mother killing it in real estate we were able to move. At first we wanted to live in Carmel so my sister and I didn't have to move districts but because of some problems with the owner of the house we decided to split ways and overtime found the house we live in today
  • Saddest Moment of My Life

    Saddest Moment of My Life
    My dog Reiley was my best friend. She was with me since I was born and was always there went I needed her. We knew she was getting old. She was about 14. She could barely walk. During my social studies class in 5th grade I was called down for pickup. immediately I knew what was happening, emotions came flooding into my body as I saw my dad at the door of the building. We went straight to the vet where my mom was waiting. That day I watched as the life of my best friend ended, I love you Reiley.
  • Picking up a Lacrosse Stick

    Picking up a Lacrosse Stick
    I loved baseball, I played it all my life and I thought I was very good at it. I played travel baseball but I felt like the outcast, almost like I was the last pick. I didn't play much that season. I lost the love for the sport and wanted to try something new. My friends were all playing lacrosse and convinced me to try it out for a year, if I liked it I'd keep playing, if not I would go back to baseball. Little did I know I would instantly love it and have the opportunity to play in college
  • First time being in a parade

    First time being in a parade
    I started the bagpipes when I was 7. After a lot of detection and hard work I was finally ready enough to be in a parade. I was 12 when I took my first steps onto the pavement. I felt a mix between accomplishment, excitement and nervousness. I worked for 5 hard years to get to that point and even though at times I wanted to quit and give up,I didn't I stuck with it. This was the first time I really knew what mind over matter meant, I kept going even though I thought it was impossible. I made it.
  • Being Used

    Being Used
    I honestly do not remember when it happened but I do remember how shitty I felt, how upset I was and how It changed me as a person. I trusted a girl who didn't care about me. At the time I had no idea, I thought we were good friends, I could trust her with anything. I was wrong. Coming into school the next day something felt off, I felt like people looking at me differently, turns out my secret was a secret no more. To this day people still ask why I have trust issues. My answer? I don't know.
  • Depression

    Freshman year was very tough for me. For the first time I felt like I was worthless, I felt like I wasn't wanted by anyone. I gained weight, I had an insane amount of acne and I felt like my friends left me. I got pulled up to varsity lacrosse where I was bullied by one person in particular just because I was different. I was able to escape the hellish life I felt like I was living with writing. I began to write songs and create music which made me feel good and help overcome my depression.
  • Burning Bridges

    Burning Bridges
    I liked the people I was hanging out with but I did not agree with some of the actions they would do or some of the things they would say. Most of them were great, they are the perfect example of what a friend should be, but a select few were toxic. I didn't enjoy talking to them and I felt wrong being associated with them. Instead of faking a friendship I decided to burn some bridges I felt were only hurting me. I felt free, It was the best decision I ever made, I could finally be me.
  • Bettering Myself

    Bettering Myself
    During this crazy situation we are in I took the time to better myself in both a physical and mental state. I have been getting my work done quickly and efficiently, I have been working out and eating much better to lose weight and gain muscle. I learned what makes me happy is helping others. I'm contacting children hospitals to see if they want me to entertain some kids by playing the bagpipes This crises is overall making me become a better person for both me and the community that we live in.