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ShaKibrah's Timeline

By Kibrah
  • When I was born

    When I was born
    when i was born was important to my life. i changed from a egg sac like thing into a full baby. it was a drastic change to be able to see out side of my mother.
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • when i turned 6

    when i turned 6
    I got my first phone at 6. This changed me because i was introduced with texting and the internet.
  • when my auntie moved in with me

    My auntie moved in with me when i was 8. I didn't have any siblings living with me so it was a big change for me I was spoiled ,so when she came it changed everything up. I tried to be exactly like her all the time she became role model to me. It changed how i thought and how I chose to act
  • when my little sister was born

    when i was 11 my mom and me found out she was pregnant on her birthday. I was excited about having a new brother or sister. Now thats shes here everything is so different from when it was just me and my aunt.
  • when i got my first smart phone

    when i got my first smart phone
    I got my first touch screen when i was 13. It changed how i take pictures. It also got me into social media which was a change
  • when my auntie moved out

    When my aunt left it was hard on me because we had grown very close. it was different and sad because i had become so used to her bein around every day. Even to this day its not the same when we talk simply because we went from talking and seeing each other everyday to i hear from her every other month.
  • when i went to disney world

    I went to disney world when i was 5 and recently when I was 14. The recent time changed me it showed me how I see things different now. I wasn't just amazed like I was when I was 5 it showed me I've grown up.
  • First day of high school

    First day of high school
    i hate high school. i didnt like my teachers and i hated coming every day so it changed how I thought about school. i used to like school until i got to hugh school
  • the day i tried to wear makeup

    the day i tried to wear makeup
    The day I tried to wear make up changed how I looked at myself forever. I realized how ugly make up is when your a kid. It changed what I was thinking when I put it on I realized I didn't need make up like I thought I did, I also realized its really to much work to put it on right then to buy all that stuff just to cover my face. I learned if i was cover my face I can put a bag on my head for free and call it a day.
  • The day I got Kasin

    The day I got Kasin
    I got Kasin (my giant teddy bear) on my birthday from a friend it was a really special thing to me because give always wanted a giant teddy bear. Kasin has changed my life because i have someone to sleep with and i don't like talking so i can talk to him whenever i want. Kasin is like my baby and my best friend i take him every where i can and bath him and brush his hair and ext. I really love my Kasin and id be really upset if i didn't have him.