Second Spanish Republic

  • The Spanish dictator, Miguel Primo de Rivera is forced to resign.

  • Second Spanish Republic proclaimed and Alfonso XIII goes into exile.

  • New government announces the end to compulsory education in schools.

  • Electoral law is revised to permit women to vote.

  • Manuel Azaña, Minister of War, announces massive cuts in the size of the Spanish Army.

  • Niceto Zamora resigned as prime minister and is replaced by Manuel Azaña

  • Cortes approves the legalization of divorce.

  • Niceto Zamora elected president of the Second Spanish Republic.

  • General Jose Sanjurjo leads a military uprising against the government

  • Anarchist uprisings in Saragossa, Seville, Bilbao and Madrid.

  • Gil Robles forms the Catholic Party (CEDA)

  • José Antonio Primo de Rivera establishes the Falange Española.

  • Spanish right-wing parties win general election over a divided left

  • Anarchist uprisings in Catalonia and Aragon.

  • General Jose Sanjurjo granted amnesty.

  • Manuel Azaña is arrested and interned in Barcelona.

  • Tribunal of Constitutional Guarantees acquit Manuel Azaña.

  • Andres Nin and Joaquin Maurin creates the Workers Party of Marxist Unification (POUM)

  • Francisco Largo Caballero is replaced by Indalecio Prieto as head of the Socialist Party.

  • An electoral pact is signed by the Socialist Party and Communist Party.

  • Manuel Azaña organizes the formation of the Popular Front

  • Popular Front win general election in Spain

  • President Niceto Alcalá Zamora appoints Manuel Azaña as prime minister.

  • The Cortes grants an amnesty to all those in Spain charged with insurrection.

  • General Francisco Franco is relieved of his command and sent to the Canary Islands.

  • Falange Espanola offices in Madrid are closed down

  • Francisco Franco, Emilio Mola, Juan Yague and José Sanjurjo meet to discuss tactics

  • General Emilio Mola is relieved of his command and sent to Pamplona.

  • Falange Espanola is banned by Popular Front government

  • José Antonio Primo de Rivera is arrested and charged with trafficking illegal arms

  • Manuel Azaña presents details of his reform legislation

  • Niceto Alcalá Zamora is deposed as president of the Spanish Republic.

  • Emilio Mola meets Gonzalo Queipo de Llano to discuss the possibility of a military uprising

  • The Cortes makes it illegal for military officers to attend secret political meetings.

  • Manuel Azaña elected as president of the Spanish Republic

  • Indalecio Prieto refuses the post of prime minister.

  • To protect them from arsonist attacks the government orders the closing of Catholic schools

  • José Antonio Primo de Rivera is sentenced to five months in prison with trafficking arms

  • Civil Guard suppresses a left-wing rally at Yeste and kills nineteen people in the process.

  • Indalecio Prieto is shot during a socialist rally at Ecija.

  • The Cortes passes legislation that protects agricultural tenants from eviction.

  • Over a million workers are on strike in Spain.

  • Luis Bolin arranges for Francisco Franco to be flown to Morocco.

  • José Castillo, an officer in Republican Assault Guards, is asssassinated by Falangists