I learned that if you effect nature and animals you can cause a huge effect becasue you are effecting wild life. It is better to just leave it alone. I also learned that worms are decomposers. -
Biotic and Abiotic
Biotic is living material or was once part of a living material. Abiotic is not living or was never living. -
Venn Diagram 2
I compared three different things. For example fish and whales are both Biotic. -
We watched a movie on the big screan -
We did a lab today and we did and google docx. It was so fun. :) -
We put things into groups. clear things and non clear things, things you can play with -
Physical and Chemical Properties
We learned about the physical land chemical properties. There are a ton of them the list go on and on. Flamable flag -
Physical and Chemical Properties
Windiness is a physical propertiy of air. :) -
Chemical/Physical Properties
When you test it. -
Physical and chemical prop.
There are lots of chemical and physical properties -
Physical Properties
How do you tell the difference between a gasious physical and chemical change. Smell it and test it. -
Pysical and Chemical Cange
When you mix iodin with soda you get baby poop. Iodin and corn starch make oreos that are smashed up. Sugar and iodin make a crystal that is yellow. -
There are lots of different drawings of atoms. -
Periodic Table
They represent the elements that are similar.