Milk Program
Began in Chicago in 1940. Was made part of the Child Nutrition Act in 1960. Provided needy children with a low price pint of whole milk. This is important to schools and children because the chiildren who couldn't afford to buy milk were made able to. This is important to the school because children are able to focus better, now that their tummy's are satisfied. -
Free and Reduced Lunch
The National School Lunch Act began in 1946. Provides students with a lunch for free or at a reduced price. Based on family income. This is important to the kids because they are allowed to eat for free or at a reduced price. This is important to the school because the children are happier and not hungry. -
School Nutrition Act
President Harry S. Truman created the School Nutrition Act in 1946. This act came in response to the military rejecting men because of their health-related problems. This is important because children in school wanting to go in the military who are not proviided lunch, can be fed well enough. The children now will be able to meet the requirements. -
Breakfast Program
Began as a pilot project and was made permanent in 1975. Provides students with a healthy breakfast at a free or reduced price. Based on family income. This is important to children because if the did not get breakfast at home they are provided with one at school. This is important for the school because the students get to start their day of better. -
Let's Move!
Let's Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched in 2010, dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity. Let's Move! offers parents helpful information and fosters environments that support healthy choices. This is important to children because thiis program is helping children obesity rates come down. This is important to the school because obese children are sometimes picked on in school which causes them to loose their focus. -
Hunger-Free Kids Act
In 2010, President Obama reauthorized the Hunger-Free Kids Act. This act provides more funding for school lunch programs. It also supports more fresh fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria. It also raises nutritional standards in child care facilities. This is important to to children because the more funding there is the more children who need free food can get it! This is also important to the school because children are encouraged to eat healthier so obesity rates will start going down.