6th Grade Social Studies - Barbra Tatum
For the first time, I had a teacher that was meant to be difficult. This was the first teacher I had that actually challenged me. I did well in her class, but I worked hard to create hand-drawn propaganda posters; an entire scrapbook on a foreign country inlcuding important events, famous people, common foods, inventions; memorize current event summaries once a month; and give a monologue of a famous historical person. I remember working hard in her class, but I remember learning too. -
Chemistry - Betty Conner
Mrs. Conner was such a sweet teacher. She was really knowledgable about chemistry - her old students would come back and ask her to help them with college chemistry. She was like a mother figure - very caring and students had so much respect for her. -
10th grade English - Michael Kendall
Mr. Kendall had been a philosophy major in college, then when he realized he couldn't really do a lot with that job, he became an English teacher. He challenged me to think - not just read and write. We read very interesting books in his class that no one else had heard of and discussed things such as "What is now? Is it now now? Or is it now now?"...while it sounds silly, he pushed me and many other students to think outside the box and consider the world from different perspectives. -
10th Grade Writing Test
I got the highest score in the school on the 10th grade writing test. I thought that meant I was a good writers - it wasn't until later that I learned how terrible the writing tests really were, and that having aa good score didn't really say much at all. -
As a junior in high school, I attended an academically challenging boarding school. This was definitely the biggest change in my schooling. NCSSM was very difficult for me - it was teh first time I needed to meet with teachers and get help from other students. It was very humbling and taught me how hard it can be to ask for help. -
American Studies
American Studies was the 10th grade English and US History class combined at NCSSM. It was, again, of the more challenging courses I took; I couldn't skip the reading or rush the homework. The tests were hard, and so were the papers. I learned how to go to my teachers for help in writing - something I have never needed before. I also learned that an A grade was excellent; something to work hard for. -
Sociology - Dr. Moloney
As a freshman I took an introductory sociology course with Dr. Moloney. She was a great teacher - engaging, allowed for student discussion, related material to our own lives. Dr. Moloney was the first teacher I connected with outside the classroom. I would visit her to talk about my future when I was unsure about my major, because I trusted her to give me good advice. She was the first person that told me about the Fulbright Program and encouraged me to apply - telling me she had faith in me. -
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Racial Education
I took several sociology, anthropology, psychology, and history courses during my sophomore year in college that gave me a passion for racial education and racial equality. I learned about the past struggles of several different races and ethnicities, and saw how many of those struggles were still ocurring today. I was really reflective on why I thought they continued, and realized how much information on race was glossed over in past history classes. I knew I wanted to work to change this. -
ED 204 - Baggett
Mrs. Baggett was on of my first educational professors. At first I struggled with her feedback, but she let me know really quickly it was because she believed I could do better - not because what I had done was not good enough. Mrs. Baggett was another honest, caring teacher I was able to connect with. She pushed me to my best. I also got to talk with her more about racial education.