School Age Children Development

  • 6 Year old

    6 Year old
    Physical:Baby teeth start to fall out around age 6 to be replaced by permanent adult teeth
    Emotional:They may understand sophisticated concepts, like not hurting someone's feelings
    Intellectual: curiosity about the world around them will begin to increase exponentially.
    Cognitive:Can tell you their age. Can count to and understand the concept of "10."
  • 7 Year old

    7 Year old
    physical: can perform more difficult movements such as twisting, turning or spinning while standing in one place.
    emotional:Become more aware of and sensitive to the feelings of others. This trait is called empathy.
    intellectual: Have a solid sense of time. They understand seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, and years.
    cognitive:can read and interpret graphs, tables, maps and diagrams.
  • 8 Year old

    8 Year old
    physical:Increase in body strength and hand dexterity through physical activities. Improved coordination and reaction time
    emotional:their desire for increased independence from parents and siblings
    intellectual:Know how to count by 2s and 5s
    cognitive:They do not usually know the full date and year. Can read simple sentences.
  • 9 Year old

    9 Year old
    physical: Grow about 2.5 in. and gain about 7 lb in a year.
    emotional:Have caring, solid friendships. Have gained a strong sense of empathy
    intellectual:Read frequently and enjoy books. Often read with a goal of learning about something of interest.
    cognitive: Know that objects have uses and can be classified into different categories.
  • 10 and 11 Year old

    10 and 11 Year old
    physical: beginning of puberty
    emotional:they struggle to find the means to appropriately individuate, they can, at times, seem willful or defiant.
    intellectual:manage their time and organize themselves
    cognitive:ability to gather information and formulate well-organized opinions and thoughts.
  • 12 Year old

    12 Year old
    physical:Exhibit a wide range of sexual maturity and growth patterns between genders.
    emotional:They are just beginning to cope with hormonal changes.
    intellectual:children develop logical thought, deductive reasoning abilities
    cognitive:improved memory and executive function skills.