6 Year Old Development
Physical: Start to lose baby teeth
Emotional: Begins to show increasing awareness in others emotions
Intellectual:Can spell their first name and can write some letters and numbers
Cognitive Milestone:Starting to grasp concept of time -
7 Year Old Development
Physical:Refine the skills of climbing, running, skipping, hopping and tumbling
Emotional:Describes the causes and consequences of emotions
Intellectual:Solve word problems in math
Cognitive: Reading and language skills grow -
8 Year Old Devvelopment
Physical: Athletic skills become more precise and accurate
Emotional:May begin to desire more privacy
Intellectual: understands their place in the world
Cognitive: Focuses on a task for more than an hour -
9 Year Old Development
Physical: growth spurt; grow taller and gain weight
Emotional: is able to apologize after acting out
Intellectual: increased attention span
Cognitive:interested in collections and hobbies -
10 Year Old Development
Physical:Demonstrates improved agility, speed, coordination, and balance
Emotional: Beginning to question authority
Intellectual:shows interest in sports teams or pop culture
Cognitive: learning to use good judgement -
11 Year Old Development
Physical:signs of puberty
Emotional: starts to resist physical affection from parents
Intellectual: increased attention span
Cognitive:understands that thoughts are private -
12 Year Old Development
Physical:becomes increasingly skilled in sports
Emotional:starts to show a rebellious streak
Intellectual: becomes aware of concepts of justice and equality
Cognitive: understands cause and effect sequence