scarlett carter's life story

  • october 16, 1996. I was born in Chattanooga, TN

    october 16, 1996. I was born in Chattanooga, TN
    i was born at East Ridge. i am the youngest child, so all of my family was there including my brother and sister.
  • I started pre-school

    I started pre-school
    i stared k-3 at Brainerd Baptist School. which was cool because that school is in my neighborhood, so i was always close to my parents.
  • I ended pre-school.

    I ended pre-school.
    i ended k-4 and then went to kindergarden. i also went to Brainerd Baptist for for k-4
  • I started Elementary school

    I started Elementary school
    i started 1st grade at Brainerd Baptist. and that is the year i met the girl who is still my best friend today.
  • I was baptized

    I was baptized
    i got baptized at Christ United Methodist Church. i was about 6 or 7. and i had already been baptized when i was born, but i decided to re-do it because at the point i really understood everything so i felt like ib should do it again.
  • We gave a my sister a huge birthday party on the lake

    We gave a my sister a huge birthday party on the lake
    me and my family and all of her friends went out on our boat and had a huge party with alot of other people and we hooked our boat up with some of my parents friends and it was so much fun.
  • I went with my friend to the beach for the Furth of July

    I went with my friend to the beach for the Furth of July
    we went down to Panama. and spent a whole week there. we had so much fun!
  • I went to Atlanta wih my friend for her birthday

    I went to Atlanta wih my friend for her birthday
    my friend was turning 10 i think and we went down to atlanta and went shoping all weekend. and her mom got us make overs and we got to go to a spa. we had a great time!
  • I went with my family the Virginia

    I went with my family the Virginia
    me and my family drove down to virginia and went a visited all these old towns. it was so cool to learn about how things used to really be, and how lucky we are today.
  • I ended Elementary school. And went to middle school

    I ended Elementary school. And went to middle school
    i went to David Brainerd Christian School. but only for 6th grade because the next year it closed because alot of students left to come to East Hamilton.
  • My family went to Colorado for the first time

    My family went to Colorado for the first time
    over spring break we flew to colorado and stayed for about a week. we went skiing and snowboarding. and it was very hard at first and i didn't really like it . but by like the last 3 days i was having a great time and i loved it.
  • I was starting Middle School

    I was starting Middle School
    i started middle school and i was very scared at first. but by like half of the year i got used to it. and really liked it.
  • I moved from a Private school to East Hamilton

    I moved from a Private school to East Hamilton
    for 7th grade i came to East Hamilton. and it was such a huge change from my pravite school. i went from about 300 students to over 1000 students, and i was very scared at first actually. but now i love it!
  • I started High School.

    I started High School.
    i am now in high school. and i love it. it is so much better from middle school . we have so much more freedom. i feel like everyone trusts us alot more. so i just really love it.
  • I ended Middle School

    I ended Middle School
    i graduated from 8th grade wheich was kinda sad because i was now out of middle school. but i was also very excited to start high school.
  • went to the haunted caverns

    went to the haunted caverns
    me and my friends went to the ruby falls haunted caverns.