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Sarahs Life :)

  • Meeting my bestfriends

    Meeting my bestfriends
    One of the happiest times in my life was when I met my two best friends while I was in elementary school. I met my friend Karina while I was in fifth and her in sixth. She taught me how to be myself and brought out the happy in me. I also met my best friend Gloria and she taught me to be a positive person and she continues to encourage me to do my best in school so I can be successful.
  • When my nephews and niece moved in

    When my nephews and niece moved in
    My life was changed when my two nephews and niece moved in with us because it taught me how to responsible. At the time they were all under four years old so I had to help my parents a lot. I spent a lot of time with them and I think that helped me be who I am today. It helped me learn more about how to take care of kids and helped me realize that I want to work in childcare.
  • Started teaching kids church

    Started teaching kids church
    I started teaching and helping out in the kids groups at my church. It helped me learn how to work with children even more and made me closer to god. I am thankful because it made me feel like I was finally making a difference, not only in my life but in the kids who I taught.
  • Started Working

    Started Working
    When I started working with my aunt it gave me something to do to pass the time and it taught me valuable lessons. It taught me how to use a lot of basic office machines and how to work with people. It also made me closer to my aunt and opened a lot of opportunities for me.
  • Getting my license

    Getting my license
    A time when there wasa change was when I got my license. Since I got my license I have been able to take my nephews and niece to daycare so my mom would have less to do in the morning before work. I have been able to help out with more things because I could finally drive by myself. I also feel more independent because I can drive around with my friends.
  • Start of Primavera online

    Start of Primavera online
    When I started online school I didn't realize that I would have to work twice as hard and I would have to depend on myself to sign in everyday and do my work. It is a different experience not having anyone there actually teaching but it taught me to be independent. It also gave me the opportunity to have a job and work at my own pace.
  • Bad start to a new school year

    Bad start to a new school year
    When I fell behind in school I felt as if I wasn't smart enough to pass and it changed how I viewed myself. I kept thinking to myself that I wasn't capable of being independent and doing my school work online. I pushed myself to try my best and I ended up finishing on time but with a grade I felt that I could do better on. It taught me to stop being a procrastinator.
  • Brothers moving out

    Brothers moving out
    When all three of my brothers moved out and I was the last kid to still be living with my parents it was a low point because I felt alone. One of my brothers moved to Tennessee, the other moved across town and the other went off to Marine boot camp. I don't get to see them much but I have learned to live with it because they are all happy. Now that my brother is a Camp Pendelton I skype him every other day and we talk a lot. My other moved back to Arizona last Christmas so hes closer to us.
  • Brother leaves for Marine boot camp/ graduates boot camp

    Brother leaves for Marine boot camp/ graduates boot camp
    When my brother left for boot camp it changed me because I realized how I need to prepare for my future. He had just graduated highschool and then he left for bootcamp. It helped me work harder in school because it gave me the realization that I only have a year left in high school so I should work hard. It also taught me that time goes by fast so I shouldn't waste time on things that don't matter.
  • Uncles death

    Uncles death
    Over a month ago my uncle passed away after a motorcycle accident and it has been hard to be myself lately. His passing has taught me that I don't know when my time is up so I should spend time doing what I like. He always told me that I should do my best in high school so I can have a job that I will enjoy and not have to work a day in my life.