• Birth

    My birth was important because if it didn't happen then I wouldn't be here. Also because I was a miracle baby. When I was first born, I wasn't breathing. The doctors said that I may have problems with my brain in the future, but my mom refused. My mother had faith in me even from birth, and still till this day, I want to prove to her that she was right.
  • Period: to


  • Covid-19

  • Meeting my best friend

    On the first day of school my freshman year, I met Ainslee. It took us a little while to get close, but we ended up being inseparable. Her and I have been best friends ever since. We do everything together. I can't imagine life without her.
  • Getting my cat

    I got my cat Peo on this day. Peo and I have grown a lot together. I taught her how to live her life, and she taught me a lot about having a pet. I love her a lot, and she was always there for me when I felt like everyone else wasn't.
  • Started dating my boyfriend

    This is when Aiden and I got together. Ever since, he's always been there for me. He never judged me, and was always kind. He taught me how to fish, cook, and how to learn to love myself. I'm not sure where I'd be without him since hes helped me through a lot of things.