First human-made object in space.
The Wehrmacht (Germany)made the first human made object in space.It was named the V-2 rocket, it was a weapon designed to destroy buildings.Later it was proven that the rocket reached because it was above the karman line (limit between Earth and space). -
First space researched flight.
The americans after winning the war captured the V2-rocket which was improved by them selves. They used it to experiment the cosmic radiation(high energy particules that move to space at nearly the speed of light). -
First primate in space
Albert II was the first monkey that was launched in space,he became famous for reaching an altitude of 439 633 feet (134 km).Later on that same flight he died because of a parachute failure which resulted on is capsule hiting the ground at high speed. -
First artifical satellite launched in space.
Sputnik I was the first artificial satellite which sent signals from space. -
First living being that flew in orbit around Earth.
Sputnik II was the name of the mission, they launched the famously known dog Laika that flew in orbit around the earth. She tragically died of asphyxia 7 hours into the flight. -
First solar powered satellite
First lunar spacecraft
Luna 1 was a soviet spacecraft, it was launched to make a fly-by around the moon which it achieved as well as the titles:
First rocket engine restart in Earth orbit
First spacecraft to leave Earth's orbit
First spacecraft on an escape trajectory from Earth -
Sputnik 5
It was the first time that a living beings were back from space, Belka and Strelka were two dogs that were sent in space for a orbital flight in the Sputnik 5 spacecraft. -
Voskov 1
Voskov 1 was the first crewed orbit flight, Yuri Gagarin was the the one and only crew member he was in orbit for 108 minutes. -
First manned space flight
Andriyan Nikolayev and Pavel Popovich were the first dual crewed flight in space, they each other flew in different spacecraft that were equiped with radios so that they could communicate to each other during the flight. -
First reusable piloted spacecraft(space plane)
The X15 was the first space plane, it used to be dropped from a NB-52B bomber at high alttitude. Joe Walker was the test pilot that flew that machine.The flight lasted only 11 minutes and 24 seconds. -
Zond 5
Zond 5 was the first time a life form circle around the Moon and returned on earth, this mission lasted 3 days. -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was the first crewed landing on the moon, They were two crew man Neil Armostrong( the man who walked on the moon ),Buzz Aldrin(who flew and landed apollo 11 on the moon)and Michael Collins.