Grandpa George
My grandpa, George Jones, comminted suicide when my dad was 15. This affected me through my dads family falling apart, and me not having a grandpa on that side. -
The Birth of a Legend
I was born on November 4th, 2000 to the paretns of Andy and Jamie Jones. I was born one month late, at 9 pounds. -
Zachary is Born
My little brother Zachary Jones was born two years later in October 7t, 2002. From this point foward i was no longer an only child. Although, mist kids didnt want a sibling, I loved my little brother when he was little. -
Kaden Kjolhede is Born
On this day, my little cousin Kaden Alexander Kjolhede was born. I didn't know it then, but he would change my life. Watching him grow up makes me realize how quickly life passes. It is hard to believe that he is going to be in kindergarden next year! -
First Traverse City Trip
My first family reunion in Traverse City, Michigan. We still carry on all the same traditions to this day, with all my friends and family. This event was significant because if it wasn't for the first trip to Traverse City, would have nothing to look forward to during the summer. -
First Volleyball Experience
When I was 10 years old, i was asked to play on my first volleyball team. But this volleyball team was a 14U, which means i was playing with girls 4x the experience than me. This would be the beginning to an everlasting addiction. -
Mans Other Best Friend
In the spring break of 2011 I got to kayak with manatees. We got to touch them, which almost resulted in us tipping our kayak. This was a big moment in my life because at the time I had not done anything exotic like that. I will never forget this day. -
We Miss You Annalise Kjolhede
This date was the most memorable to me, because it was the loss of my role model, Annalise Kjolhede. She passed away in a skiing accident when she was 21. As I have stated, she was a role model and I only got to see her oncea year, i miss her more with everyday. -
Blue Dog
My first dogs name was Blue. He was a weimeriner. He had a nasty habit of running away, and one day he ran away for two days and got hit by a car in the process. We had to put him down because of the damage it had done. Blue was my first dog and that is why his death had such a big impact on me. -
The Loss of a Friend
Jackson Gangwer. Im proud to say that i knew Jackson. Not well enough to dwell, but well enough to realize how precious life is. He commited suicied on April 10, 2013. He taught me to keep the ones I love close, because you can just never know. -
Are You Smarter Than Ian Haubert?
Towards the begginning of 8th grade, I had a math class with Ian Haubert (the smartest kid in our class). I got a better grade on a quiz than him once. This changed me because it gave me more confidence in the subject, Which I needed at the time. -
New House for Christmas
My family and I moved to White Lake around Christmas time last year. We moved into a bigger house, and a new school district. I had the choice to either, stay back a grade because i am young enough, and go to White Lake. Or stay at Holly, and I obvbiously chose Holly. We now have to drive 25 minutes to school every morning. -
Olympic Volleyball
This event would be the turning point in my volleyball career, for the better. This summer I tryed out for an Olympic pipeline volleyball team, and made it. I got to travel to Tulsa, Oklahoma with 9 other girls that I had never met before. This was a life changing expirience along with a learning expirience. -
Freshman on Varsity
My freshman year of high school, I made the varsity volleyball team.This was a kind of harsh reality that I am finally in high school. -
True Friends
Right about now is when I am starting to find outwho my bets friends are.Those two people are Megan Betts and Maggie Shaw. I could notimagine my life without these two by my side. They have effected me by always being there for me when i need them most.