Saint thomas more

Saint Thomas Moore!!

  • Feb 7, 1478

    My life

    My life
    Hi, Im Saint Thomas More and ofcouse i wasnt born a Saint, so you can just call me Thomas for now. I was born a Catholic on the 7th of Feburary,1478 Milk Street which is in London. My mother's name is Agnes and my father's name is Sir John More. I attended the school in London called Saint Anthony's and I was called to be one of the finest students in that school at the time.
  • Apr 18, 1492


    In the year 1492 I was really a really jardworking and good student, so my teacher luckily chose me to get a place in Oxford University in Saint Mary's Hall! I finally began to study there. But I eventually left Oxford University two years after because my father thought it would be best if I moved on from there, I decided to move to New Inn where I studied Legal, In 1496, I became a student in one of the Inn's courts until 1502.
  • Jan 1, 1499

    Life after studying..

    Life after studying..
    After decideing wearther or not to become a Monk and decided iI get Married it'll be better for me and I should become a Lawyer, in 1499, after completing my legal course, I became a barrister which was very exciting.
  • May 22, 1503

    Thinking of moving out of University

    Thinking of moving out of University
    I started to wonder in the years 1503 to 1504, weather or not I should become a Monk, considering the reason that I lived just next to a Monastery and joined in the Monk's daily excercises. I wanted to join but there was always something telling me that I want to get Married and become a polictition.
  • Jan 1, 1504


    finally!! In the year 1504, I became part of Parliment. all this hard work really did pay off. i was part of parliment and so happy!!
  • Jan 1, 1505


    i had to think for a long time weather i should become a Monk or get Married.. then i had to think again, i would rather get Married and become a good husband, then to become a Monk and be terrible at it! Contemplating on it, i came to a conclusion to get Married, and so i did to the most beautiful lady, Jane Colt in the year 1505
  • Jan 1, 1509


    A few years after my Marriage, i was really hoping i would become bencher in Lincoln's INn. I got elected and really happy! Being the bencher in Lincoln's inn was the most exciting thing yet at work!
  • Jan 1, 1511

    Jane :(

    Jane :(
    My wife, My life, my everything, left me and left this earth. She had died! I was devestated! She left me with our four kids. I will always love Jane! RIP
  • Jan 1, 1511

    Alice Middleton!

    Alice Middleton!
    now you proberbly wondering, whos she? well, a month after janes death, i married Alice Middleton, She helped me forgot, she helped me relax! I love her! She was a widow
  • Jan 1, 1515


    I forgot to mention, I wrote a book, Its called Utopia! I wrote it in 1515. Sent to diplomatic mission is where i began to create Utpoia.
  • Jan 1, 1523


    being elected for Bencher, was exciting.. at the time. but now!! i was elected to be speaker!! now thats what was exciting i was so happy! I love being elected, especially for the things i want to do! i always watched the speakers and thought, i want to be there. what do you know. i got elected in 1523!
  • Jan 1, 1529

    lord of Chancellor

    lord of Chancellor
    1. Was the year i became lord of Chancelllor! I loved my job, it was spectaclar and becoming lord of Chancellor was perfect!
  • Jan 1, 1532

    leaving my chancellorship

    leaving my chancellorship
    Not for divorce, and my place in lord of chancellor, i was not all for divorce, but loved marriage. Henry wanted me to let Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn. Because they wanted me to do it, in 1532 i left, no way was Thomas going to let people divorce! Happiness is where people need to be not in the court trying to get a divorce, work through your issues. I also left because of the reason that Henry did not want me to get any higher!
  • Jan 1, 1533

    accepted to leave

    accepted to leave
    In 1533 was not allowed to leave my office, fed up and still trying. This time i was allowed to leave with the acceptance of Henry. So i left and did not regret..
  • Jun 6, 1535


    6th of June i was beheaded! :( on Tower hill, i died and left my family and wife! I was happy though, i lived a good life.
  • Pope Pius XI

    Pope Pius XI
    so lucky!! i got Canonised in 1935 in May which ment i was a Saint! I could Pray for people and people Pray to me. I can do miracles with the Power of Lord Jesus!!! Pope Pius XI was the Pope that held the Ceremony!