Ryker's life

By RSS3077
  • Birthday

    I was born in a car at about midnight 5 blockes from the hospital, so close. My parents were Trudy Seamer and Brad Seamer.
  • Tucker

    Little brother Tucker was born thus to curse me for the rest of my life. Past that he also cam along to be annoing in the morning resembiling a brain-dead drunk.
  • XBox

    For chistmas we all got an Xbox with only two sports games. One was NBA the other original sonic.
  • Move

    My family and I moved from one small town in South Dakota, to an equally small and pittiful town in S.D. the house we rented wasn't the best but it would do.
  • New Home

    New Home
    After several mounths of construction we finaly finished our house. It took adout a few days to move out and we finaly setteled in.
  • Cisco

    We got a dog from our neibors and decided to name the white lab Cisco. The where-abouts of the name are unknown to me.
  • First Gun

    First Gun
    My Christmas present that year was a brereta neos from my parents. My dad agrement to the deal was it had to be a 22.lr. Aparently when i accidentaly shot someone he'd perfer minor injuries.
  • D.C.

    My family went to D.C. for my dads buisnes trip. There we saw moonuments, museums, and an escilator ride from hell.
  • Yellow Stone

    Yellow Stone
    Also with that summer we went to see the world's largest volcano. Along with some gyisers, wildlife, and a lot of buffalo.
  • I'm hurt

    I'm hurt
    Busted my leg while slidding across pavment. Fractured it in two spots but on the same bone.
  • Kill Streak

    Kill Streak
    When we went hunting we finaly got some birds with a total of elevin, unfortinetly my dad accidentally left the keys in the car.
  • Computer class

    Computer class
    Today I did this timeline for a prodject. I had to sprint up the stairs as fast as I could to get to class.