Hanning Speke(Region)
He is the first European to visit Rwanda. -
Germany colonizes Rwanda. -
Belgium occupies Rwanda. -
Tutsi kings(Region)
Belgium gives League of Nations the right to govern Rwanda trough Tutsi kings. -
Political Party (Region)
Tutsu politcal parties form. -
Republic (Region)
Rwanda becomes a republic. -
Rwanda becomes independent with a Hutu president. -
Burundi( Novel)
20,000 Tutsi were killed due invations by Tutsi rebels in Burndi. -
Military Coup (Region)
Hutu President, Gregoire Kayibanda, got kicked out by military coup lead by Juvenal Habyarimana. -
New constituion and Juvenal is president. -
Hutu Refugees (Novel)
50,000 Hutu refugees go from Rwanda to Burundi. -
RPF invades Rwanda from Uganda. -
New multi-party constitution is promoted. -
Juvenal signs an agreement with Tutsis dignaly to end civil war and then the U.N. was send to monitor peace. -
Juvenal gets killed when his plane is shot down. -
Rwandan Genocide ( Novel)
The Hutu majority began killing the Tutsi minority. -
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon dies in New York City, 20 years after he resings as president -
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela elected president of South Africa -
US Supreme Court
US Supreme Court approves limit on abortion protests -
Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball players go on strike -
Bill Clinton
President Clinton signs Federal Assaults Weapon Ban -
US And Haiti
US invades Haiti to restore order -
Isreal and Jordan
Isreal signs peace treaty with Jordan -
Censorship (Novel)
U.N. begins censoring people involved in the genocide. -
Refugee Camps (Novel)
Refugee camps in Zarie are in control by the Hutus involved in the genocide. -
Rwandan troops invade camps in Zarie. -
Allegiance (novel)
Rwandans support rebel forces against Hutu extremist.