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Rwanda's Economic Development

  • RPF liberation of Kigali

    RPF liberation of Kigali
    RPF marches into Kigali - officially ending the war on July 18th.This day is annually commemorated as Liberation Day in Rwanda.
  • Beginning of economic boom

    Beginning of economic boom
    Although, the RPF has received extensive credit for leading Rwanda's economic boom, signs of recovery from the genocide were almost immediate and compounded throughout the late '90s and into the 2000s. This precedes the election of Paul Kagame by a number of years, although RPF influence was tangible before then. Currently, the growth rate of Rwanda has hovered around 6% with the country set to achieve the majority of the Millenium Development Goals by 2050.
  • Rwanda Revenue Authority formed

    As Rwanda's economic boom began, it became clear that growth could only be sustained by a clear revenue source. The agency has had a reputation of being notably free of corruption - however critics have pointed out that despite Rwanda's record of good governance, almost half of Rwanda's government budget is derived from foreign donors.
  • Period: to

    Implementation of Village decentralization

    The prefecture system, a remnant of the so-called Hutu republics, is abolished in favor of the imudugudu system. The adoption of the imudugudu system completely redraws and consolidates the Rwandan provinces but also empowers volunteer sector and cell leaders to monitor an appointed secretary executive.
  • Rwanda joins the Common Market for East and Southern Africa

    Rwanda joins the Common Market for East and Southern Africa
    Rwanda begins a process of leaning into regional integration, joining COMESA, and later the East African Community in 2007. These policies benefit Rwanda in two ways - first Rwanda seeks to integrate itself as a service oriented economy in East Africa, which necessitates a more open cooperation with its neighbors. Second, regional integration is viewed as a plus by donor states, the US and UK, amongst them.
  • Propagation of the Genocide Ideology Law

    Propagation of the Genocide Ideology Law
    Propagation of the Genocide Ideology Law - meant to prevent genocide denial, critics point to the expansive nature and the broad terminology as a sign of President Kagame's tightening grip on power.
  • Rwanda 2050 Goals Announced

    Rwanda 2050 Goals Announced
    Following the scrapping of Rwanda 2020, the Rwandan government announced Rwanda 2050 - a roadmap meant to increase private innovation and move Rwanda up to a middle income country by 2035. This vision involves greater efforts at improving education, vocational education, and other forms of human capital. Despite initial success, detractors have argued that the goal is unrealistic due to the consistently high growth rate needed along with a slow down in 2016 and 2017.
  • Rwanda ranks top 5 in gender equity

    Rwanda ranks top 5 in gender equity
    Rwanda ranked fourth place in the World Economic Forum's report on gender equity. For Rwanda, its system of granting women 30% of the lower parliamentary house (something determined by party vote) allowed women to sweep 46 out of 80 houses. Additionally, the Rwandan government has taken rapid steps forward by creating a girl's education task force to increase female educational enrollment.