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Rwanda Massacre

  • Assassination

    On April 6, 1994, Juv'enal Habyarimana (the president) was assassinated there plane got shot down on its way to Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Period: to

    Rwandan Massacre

  • Killing begins

    Killing begins
    Hutu extremists begin killing their political opponents, the tutsi's.
  • Gikondo

    Hundreds of Tutsi's were killed at the Pallottine Missionary Catholic Church. Since the Tutsi's were the only killed this sent a sign to the country of the genocide.
  • April 15-16

    April 15-16
    Thousands of tutsi's were killed at the Nyrabuye Roman Catholic Church. First by guns and grenades, then by machetes and clubs.
  • Kibuye Massacre

    Kibuye Massacre
    An estimated 1200 tutsi's killed after sheltering at the Gatwaro stadium. Another 50,000 are kilkled in the hills of Bisesero.
  • Tanzania

    About 25,000 people, Tutsi flle to Tanzania for safety.
  • RPF

    The RPF takes over the presidential palace.
  • Safe Zone

    Safe Zone
    The french establish a safe zone in corner of Rwanda
  • Flee

    About 1 mil. people, mostly Hutu flee to Zaire, which is now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • End

    Genocide ends when RPF gains control of country.