
Rwanda History 1913-2013

By mo1234
  • Belgian rule over Rwanda

    Belgian rule over Rwanda
    Belgians rule over Rwanda caused more of an ethnic divide between the Tutsi and Hutu, because they supported Tutsis political power. Because of the eugenias movement in the United States and Europe the colonial government became concerned with differences Tutsis and Hutus. Scientists proved Tutsis had bigger skeleton and lighter skin so they were believed to be higher than Hutus.
  • Citizens are issued with identity

    Citizens are issued with identity
    All citizens of Rwanda - Urundi are issued with identity card defining with ethnicity they are. The Belgians did this to separate or define a line between the two groups, the Tutsis and Hutus, The Belgians favored one group and showed it. People believe this is the starting point or what caused the big massacre later on.
  • Rwanda - Urundi becomes United Nations Trust Territory

    Rwanda  - Urundi becomes United Nations Trust Territory
    Rwanda - Urundi became a United Nations Trust Territory after the League of nations broke apart. This was part of the promise that the Belgians would prepare areas for independence even though Belgians thought it would take decades for the country to be ready for self - rule. Independence didn't really come from this. It came more from actions elsewhere.
  • Belgians hold referendum and elections

    Belgians hold referendum and elections
    Belgians, who are now for Hutus, held a referendum and elections so that the country could voted to get rid of the monarchy. Most votes must have gone towards this because in 1962 Rwanda was separated from Burundi and became independent. Even though Rwanda became independent soon there was trouble again.
  • Tutsi guerillas enter Rwanda

    Tutsi guerillas enter Rwanda
    December Tutsi guerillas enter Rwanda through Burundi go within twelve miles of the capital before they are killed by the Rwandan army. This causes state of Rwanda to declare an emergency. Within days later 14,000 Tutsis were killed in Southern Gikongoro in a coordinated campaign . This massacre was nothing though compared to what later happens in the 1990s.
  • Rwandan Civil War fight between Hutu regime and Tutsi refugees

    Rwandan Civil War fight between Hutu regime and Tutsi refugees
    The Rwandan Civil War was fought between the Hutu regime and Tutsi refugees. Hutus had support from Francophone Africa and France. The Tutsis had support from Uganda. This civil war was because of the overgrown ethnic tensions in the country. In 1990 the RPF which was a rebel group made of mostly Tutsi refugees invaded northern Rwanda from Uganda in a try to defeat the Hutu government. This civil war led to a massive massacre.
  • The International Criminal Tribunal

    The International Criminal Tribunal
    The International Criminal Tribunal was an international court made in November established by the United nations Security Council. This tribunal was made to judge the people responsible for the Rwanda Genocide and other serious matters that had happened in Rwanda. This tribunal has "rule" over 3 main topics; genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.