Jan 1, 1019
Yaroslav the Wise comes to power by marrying powerful sisters and daughters
Jan 1, 1054
Death of Yaroslav
He left the Kievan state to spread it among his sons. This ended up causng a power struggle whihc split the empire up. -
Jan 1, 1055
Seljuks capture Baghdad from Persia
Jan 1, 1092
Beginning of the First Crusade
Jan 1, 1099
First Crusade captures Jerusalem
Jan 1, 1156
Moscow emerges as a "crude" village
Jan 1, 1187
Muslims recover Jerusalem after First Crusade
Jan 1, 1227
Death of Kenghis Khan
Jan 1, 1240
Mongols capture Kiev
Jan 1, 1328
Prince Ivan earns gratitude of Moscow
Prince Ivan I of Moscow earned the gratitude of the Moscows by helping to crush the Russian revolt against Mongol rule. In return, Ivan was appointed tax collector of the slavic lands. -
Jan 1, 1480
Russians and Mongols retreat after "bloodless" standoff marking end of Mongol rule in Russia
Slavs and Vikings establish Novgorod
City of Kiev is establoshed
Vladmir and his subjects are baptised; Orthodox Christianity is religion of Russsia
Period: to
Reign of Princess Olga
After converting Constantinople to Christianity, she ruled from 945-964 until her son was old enough to rule.