Apr 2, 1019
Yaroslav the Wise comes to power in Russia and begins marrying off sisters and daughters for alliances
May 30, 1054
The decline of the Kievan state started with the death of Yaroslav. Upon his death, his sons tore the state apart fighting for the best territories
Oct 23, 1055
Seljuks capture Baghdad from Persians
Jul 25, 1092
Malik Shan died so the Seljuk Empire quickly disintegrated into a loose collection of minor kingdoms. He had ruled as the last of the strong Seljuk leaders
Sep 18, 1095
Beginning of the First Crusade
May 26, 1099
First Crusade captures Jerusalem
Dec 27, 1156
Moscow emerges as a "crude village"
Jul 10, 1187
Muslims recover Jerusalem after First Crusade
Feb 20, 1227
Death of Genghis Khan
Sep 28, 1240
Mongols capture Kiev
Jun 27, 1480
Russians and Mongols retreat after "bloodless" standoff making end of Mongol rule in Russia
Slavs and Vikings establish Novgorod
City of Kiev established on the Dnieper River
Vladimir and all his subjects are baptised, establishing Orthodox Christianity as religion of Russia
Princess Olga governed Kiev until her son was old enough to rule. She was a member of Kievan nobility