Romeo and Juliet

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    Romeo's Dream

    Romeo woke up in the morning thinking about the dream he had of his death.
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    Romeo Recieves Information

    Romeo learns from Balthasar that Juliet is "dead".
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    Romeo Buys A Poison

    Romeo believes that Juliet is dead, and so he buys poison to kill himself with so he can be with her.
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    Friar Laurence Realizes Romeo Didn't Recieve His Letter

    Friar John informs Friar Laurence that he was quarantined at a patient's house and couldn't deliver the letter to Romeo.
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    Paris Arrives At The Capulet Tomb

    Paris goes to visit Juliet in the tomb, and promises to bring her flowers everyday.
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    Romeo Arrives At The Capulet Tomb

    After hearing about Juliet's death, Romeo goes to see Juliet one last time.
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    Romeo And Paris Fight

    Romeo saw Paris in Juliet's tomb.
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    Paris Dies

    Romeo kills Paris because he threatened Romeo.
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    Romeo Kills Himself

    Romeo saw Juliet in her tomb for the last time, and then drank the poison he bought.
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    Juliet Kills Herself With Romeo's Dagger

    Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead, and refused to leave the tomb with Friar Laurence. She then kissed Romeo goodbye and stabbed herself in the chest with Romeo's dagger.
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    Capulets And Montegues End Their Fued

    After hearing of their son and daughter's death, the Capulets and Montagues agree to end their feud.