
Romeo and Juliet

  • Jan 1, 1300

    Romeo has his dream

    Romeo had a dream that he had died, then Juliet came and kissed him, which brought him back to life. He tells us this at the beginning of Act 5, Scene 1, the morning of Juliet's wedding with Paris.
  • Jan 2, 1300

    Balthasar broke the news

    Balthasar broke the news to Romeo that Juliet is dead. Romeo insists on getting a horse to ride back to Verona to see her although he has been banished. (Morning)
  • Jan 3, 1300

    Romeo goes to the Apothecary

    Romeo goes to the Apothecary and orders death poison/potion. He plans to commit suicide at Juliet's grave. After Romeo gets the potion, he leaves for Verona and arrives sometime that afternoon.
  • Jan 4, 1300

    Paris and Page go to bring flowers to Juliet’s grave

    After hearing of Juliet's death, Paris visits her tomb, where he promises to visit her every night following with either flowers or tears. (Late afternoon)
  • Jan 5, 1300

    Romeo and Balthasar show up to Juliet’s grave

    Romeo and Balthasar show up at Juliet’s grave and Romeo orders Balthasar to leave so he can die in peace. Balthasar says he will leave but does not. (Late evening)
  • Jan 6, 1300

    Romeo enters the grave to see Paris

    Romeo enters the grave to see Paris there and Paris threatens to kill Romeo. Romeo and Paris break out into a fight.
  • Jan 7, 1300

    Paris dies

    Romeo kills Paris during their fight. Paris's last words are, "Lay me with Juliet". When Paris says this, Romeo figures out who the man he had just killed is.
  • Jan 8, 1300

    Romeo dies

    Romeo says his goodbye to Juliet, drinks the potion, then dies.
  • Jan 9, 1300

    Juliet awakens

    Juliet awakens and asks where her Romeo is. She learns that he has died from drinking poison, so she kisses him to try and get any remaining poison to kill herself aswell.
  • Jan 10, 1300

    Juliet dies

    Juliet grabs the sword from Romeo and stabs herself.
  • Jan 11, 1300

    Everyone hears of their deaths

    Everyone hears of their deaths the next morning. Friar tells everyone what had happened.
  • Jan 12, 1300

    Capulets and Montagues come together

    The two feuding families decide to end their conflict.