Romeo and Juliet

  • Period: to

    Act I Sunday

    The servants of the Capulets and Montagues start a brawl in the streets of Verona. Count Paris asks Capulet for permission to marry Juliet. He suggests he wait 2 years as she is too young. Juliet agrees to meet Paris at the party and consider the proposal.
  • Sunday Evening

    Sunday Evening
    Benvolio and Mercutio take Romeo to the Capulet's party to get his mind off Rosaline. Romeo and Juliet meet at the party and fall in love. Romeo overhears Juliet on her balcony pledging her love to him
  • Monday

    Act II
    Romeo and Juliet are married by Friar Lawrence. Act III
    Tybalt attempts to provoke Romeo with a sword fight. Romeo refuses but Mercutio accepts and duels with Tybalt. Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo avenges Mercutio's death and kills Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo and decrees that the next person who starts a public fight will face the death penalty. Romeo and Juliet spend the night together.
  • Tuesday

    Romeo leaves Juliet at dawn for Mantua.
    Lord Capulet announces Juliet's engagement to Paris.
    The nurse advises Juliet to marry Paris. Act IV
    Juliet asks Friar Lawrence for help and he gives her a potion so she will appear dead on the morning of her wedding and he sends a message to Romeo informing him of the plan.
    Juliet apologizes to her father for refusing to marry Paris.
    Lord Capulet moves the wedding from Thursday to Wednesday.
    Juliet sends her nurse away and drinks the potion.
  • Wednesday

    Juliet's family discovers her in a "death like state."
    Juliet's family lays her to rest in the family burial vault. Act V
    Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead.
    Romeo buys poison to kill himself at her grave.
    Friar Lawrence learns that his message did not reach Romeo.
    Paris and Romeo both arrive at Juliet's tomb.
    Romeo kills Paris.
    Romeo drinks the poison.
    Juliet wakens to find Romeo dead at her side and stabs herself.
  • Thursday

    Soldiers arrive to find the bodies, followed by the Capulets, the Montagues, and the prince.
    Friar Lawrence reveals the secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet.
    Montague and Capulet shake hands and promise to build gold statues of each other's children and vow to end their hostility.