Romeo and Juliet

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    Romeo has a dream

    Romeo has a dream that Juliet found him dead and revived him with a kiss.
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    Romeo thinks Juliet is dead

    Balthasar arrives and tells Romeo that Juliet has died. Romeo asks for a pen, paper, and horses to go to Verona.
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    Romeo buys poison

    Romeo goes to an apothecary and buys poison to kill himself with.
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    The undelivered message was returned

    Friar John returns Friar Laurence's letter to Romeo because he was stopped on the way out of Mantua.
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    Romeo kills paris

    Paris went to go pay his respects to Juliet, Paris tells Romeo to leave, they fight, Romeo kills Paris
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    Romeo finds Juliet

    Romeo finds Juliet, notices she still has life-like coloring in her face but still thinks she dead.
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    Romeo drinks poison

    Romeo drinks poison to kill himself
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    Juliet Kills herself

    Juliet wakes up, notices her husband is dead, and stabs herself.