Romeo and Juliet

  • Romeo's Dream

    Romeo had a dream that Juliet had found Romeo dead, and that she kissed him. And when she kissed him, he awoke.
    (Around morning time ~8:00-10:00~)
  • The News

    Balthasar came to Romeo's house. Romeo had thought that he was getting a letter from either his Father, Juliet, or the Friar. But Balthasar had informed him that Juliet was in the Capulet Tomb and that her soul was lifeless.
    (This was a little bit after Romeo had woke up)
  • Poison from the Shop

    Romeo is devistated that the love of his life is now dead. So he goes to the local medicine store and talks to the store owner about getting poison. The owner of the store told him that he did have some. Romeo seen that he didn't have money and that he was starving. Romeo gave him money in exchange for the poison.
    (This happened maybe around Noon or so)