Romeo and Juleit Act5

  • Romeo Gets posin

    He gets poison from Apothecary so that he can die with Juliet
  • Paris and Romeo fight

    They both get mad and fight and Paris dies in result of the fight
  • Romeo gets told Juliet is dead

    Romeo asks Balthasar if Juliet's alright and he asks about his parents, Balthasar replies saying Juliet is dead.
  • Frair Laurence letter isnt deliverd

    Friar John tells Frair Laurence that he wasn't able to send the o Romeo due to a plage the door was sealed and he wasn't able to pass them.
  • Frair Laurence goes to Juliets tomb

    Friar Laurence tells frair John that the letter was important that they need to go to Juliet's tomb.
  • Romeo goes to juleits tomb

    Romeo and Balthasar go to Juliet's tomb and Balthasar leaves him so Romeo can visit Juliet but he worries for Romeo.
  • Paris trys to stop romeo

    Romeo is about to enter the tomb when Paris tries to stop him telling him he's not allowed to enter Juliet's tomb
  • Romeo drinks poison

    Romeo puts Paris body near Juliet's and then drinks the poison and Romeo dies
  • Juliet wakes amd Stabs herself

    Friar Laurence enters the tomb to find Romeo and Paris dead bodies in the tomb as well Juliet wakes see Romeo is dead and stabs herself with a dagger and dies too.
  • Two Family fued ends

    The two families find Romeo and Juliet dead and Frair Laurence tells them everything the families agree to end the feud