Romeo and Juliet Act 5

By kdrown
  • Romeo Dreams

    Romeo foreshadows what is going to happen
  • Romeo Thinks Juliet is Dead

    Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead
  • Romeo Buys Posion

    Romeo plans on killing himself
  • Romeo Does Not Get Letter

    The letter does not make it because the doctors think the messenger was exposed to the plague
  • Romeo Arrives at The Capulet Tomb

    Romeo gets to the tomb to visit Juliet who he thinks is dead
  • Romeo Tells The Servant to Leave

    Romeo orders his servant to leave the tomb so he can be alone
  • Romeo and Paris Fight (Paris is Killed By Romeo)

    Romeo fights Paris and kills him with a sword
  • Romeo Says His Last Goodbyes

    Romeo says some things before he commits suicide
  • Romeo Kills Himself

    Romeo uses the position to kill himself
  • Juliet Kills Herself

    After Juliet finds out that Romeo is dead she kills herself with a dagger