Women were given the right to vote.
This event is important because it gave women the freedom to vote. This helped to set women up for the future. In a way this proved that women are just as capable of things as men. -
The league of nations is established by the singing of the treaty Versailles.
This event is important because this ultimately ended world war one. It ended the state of war between Germany and the allied powers. -
The Washington memorial, was dedicated to Lincoln.
President Taft, dedicated the Washington memorial to LIncoln. This is importatn because it's one of the most visited monuments in our capitol. -
The united states navy built an airstrip.
This ultimately had an impact on our future, because our military was still developing. This discovery had a big impact on our military. -
The first death penalty using gas took place in Nevada.
I fell as though this was important to people back then. It howeer is not so important now. -
Nellie Tayloe Ross was inagurated as the first female governor, in the US.
This was important because of the womens upbringing. Women were viewed as in important to society, and they were not treated equally. This helped to prove that women were just as important as men. -
Robert, H, Goodard demonstrated the first viability of the first ligud fueled rockets.
This was amazing for this time, this lead to more advanced studies in space. This also lead to trips in space so we could learn more about our planet. -
US sends Marines to China.
Marines were sent to China in order to protect the property of the UNited States. This event is important to me becase I am a fan of teh US military. This event kept our country for a national crisis. -
Amelia Earhart begins her attempt to be the first women across the atlantic.
Amelia susceeded the next day, this event was important becasue it helped with the study of planes over long distances. -
The great depression.
Herbert Hoover announces, that the stock market crash were behind them. This event is important because it was a huge event in US history. It proved that our nation has been through very difficult times. -
Jimmy Dewar, events hostess twinkies.
Twinkies were invented eighty six years ago. This was important to me because I love twinkies.