Psy a150 timeline river emoji


  • Being Given Away

    Being Given Away
    The day of my wedding. I was pregnant. My dad wanted this day to happen. He felt relieved. I forgot my flowers at the school, so I walked down the isle holding my dad's arm. I was surprised when he showed up with my flowers a few minutes later. Apparently, he went back up to the school and got them for me. I said my vows and I have been so involved with my other half all throughout my marriage. Erickson's stage six-intimacy vs. isolation, crisis of making myself vulnerable.
  • Sending Clothes To Other Village

    Sending Clothes To Other Village
    Gathering pretty, beautiful, warm clothes and putting them in boxes to send off to remote Island. Erikson's 7th stage, generativity vs. stagnation. Crisis of stagnation looming up ahead if one behave's as a hoarder rather than being generous to those in need. I am happy to give to others.
  • Bonding

    My daughter in-law breastfeeding her son and allowing him to sleep on her tummy. My grandson sleeping so peacefully and content, trusting that he is well taken care of. Erikson's first stage trust vs mistrust, crisis would be if mother neglected or abandoned the child.
  • Splitting Fish

    Splitting Fish
    Two of my girls splitting fish, each caress, turn, and cut as they think of how it is done. Their brother hangs them on the rack he makes. Erikson's fourth stage industry vs. inferiority, crisis is just do what you think needs to be done to complete the task without thinking that it may be wrong.