Shaka Creates the Zulu Empire
Shaka creates the Zulu Kingdom; Africans battle throughout much of Southeastern Africa (the Mfecane).
British settlers land in the Cape Colony. -
South African Native National Congress (NNC) founded
South African Native National Congress (NNC) founded; eventually becomes the African National Congress (ANC). -
Natives Land Act is Formed
Natives Land Act limits African land ownership to the reserves - segregation laws passed. -
Afrikaner National Party wins an Election
The Afrikaner National party wins a general election. Initiates apartheid policies. -
ANC and its allies initiate a passive resistance campaign.
Apartheid Leaders Sentenced to Life Imprisonment
Nelson Mandela and other ANC and PAC leaders sentenced to life imprisonment. -
ANC wins First Nonracial Election
ANC wins first nonracial election (April 27-30).
Mandela is sworn in as president (May 10). Forms Government of National Unity.