Rise and Fall of New France

  • 1000

    Vikings come to Canada

    Vikings come to Canada
    Leif Ericsson leads the Norsemen on an expedition to find the unknown land one of his peoples said they spotted. The land in Newfoundland and realize how rich Canada is. Leif names this place Vinland.
  • 1497

    John Cabot finds North America

    John Cabot finds North America
    Looking for China and the Spice Islands, John Cabot takes a North West route. Blocking his passage to the East he hit Newfoundland.
  • 1534


    Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence River in 1534. On his discovery, he asked the people what they called this place. They answered "Canada", meaning "village".
  • Establishment of New France

    Establishment of New France
    In 1603 Samuel Champlain founded Quebec in the part of New France called "Canada".
  • Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain started the settlement named Quebec.
  • Meeting the Hurons

    Meeting the Hurons
    Champlain sets out to meet the Huron and other First Nation Cultures. He wants to make allies with them and trade goods.
  • First Family in Canada

    Louis Hebert and his family was the first family to claim and farm the land in Canada.
  • Catholicism in Canada

    Father Jean de Brebeuf arrived in the Huron country eager to bring the word of God to them. He believes if he can convert the Hurons to Catholicism they will follow the Europeans and remain allies.
  • Support from France

    Champlain convinced a group of 100 investors to establish a French Empire in North America for the purpose of trading, settlement, and conversion of the First Nations people to Catholicism. The support helped New France harvest resources in order to survive.
  • Trois-Rivieres

    In 1603, Samuel De Champlain recommended a permanent settlement by the Saint Lawrence River.
  • Period: to

    Iroquois attack the Hurons

    After many years of surprise attacks by the Iroquois, the Hurons accept defeat and become almost extinct. The Iroquois wanted to disrupt trades between the Hurons and the French.
  • Montreal

    Paul de Maisonneuve led a group of colonists from France to Quebec and up the river. They founded a mission community there and named it Ville-Marie which later became Montreal.
  • New France became a royal colony in 1663

    King Louis XIV dismissed the investor group after they did not fulfill the needs of bringing in settlers and income from the trades. King Louis XIV made New France a royal colony that would be governed by a system of Royal Government.
  • Peace at Last (maybe)

    King Louis XIV sent a governor-general and many soldiers to fight the Iroquois. Peace was made between the two cultures.
  • Quebec forms a militia

    Quebec forms a militia
    After the attack by the Haudenosaunee people, King Louis XIV sent over immigrants to Quebec to form a defense. The militia grew and in 1669, King Louis XIV ordered all men ages sixteen to sixty must be apart of the militia.
  • Hudson Bay was founded

    Hudson Bay was founded
    Trading furs and goods between the First Peoples and the French. In 1670, Pierre-Esprit Radisson, Médard des Groseilliers founded the Hudson Bay fur trading post.
  • Period: to

    King Williams War

    King Williams War was an intense fight between Britain and France on American lands. The war ended with the Treaty of Rijswijk.
  • Seven Years War/ French Indian War

    Seven Years War/ French Indian War
    The battle between France and Great Britain to control North America.
  • Capturing Quebec

    Capturing Quebec
    James Wolfe, a British commander captured Quebec from the French leading British to supremacy in Canada.
  • Montreal Surrenders

    Montreal Surrenders
    In 1760 Montreal surrenders to British commander Jeffery Amherst.