Dancing to Pokerface
One time during Christmas dinner a couple of years ago, me and my cousin were break dancing in the living room to PokerFace. This is still a memory that my family talk about today. This memory ties in with literacy by me listening to the music while dancing to it. -
First time baking
The first time i ever baked anything was with my Mamaw Brenda. she knew that i was new to the whole baking thing, so we kept it simple and made chocolate chip cookies. This relates to literacy because i had to read the instructions before baking them. -
At the end of my first year of school, all of the kindergarteners were in a play. I can't remember what the play was called, but i do remember it was about bugs. I was a lady bug and it was the first time i had spoke in front of a crowd. This relates to literacy by me speaking in front of a huge crowd. -
Getting my ears pierced
I'm sure all girls can relate to wanting to get their ears pierced when they were young. I was that girl who wanted them pierced ASAP! I was always jealous of my mom and sister for having them, so i was super excited when i got mine pierced. This relates to literacy by me observing all of the instructions to keeping my ears clean after getting them pierced. -
Listening to my Papaw play the guitar
My Papaw plays his guitar all the time, but the first time i remember him playing was at my 6th birthday party. He played the guitar and sang happy birthday to me. It was actually really funny because he can't sing. This relates to literacy by me listening to my Papaw sing and play the guitar. -
Because of Winn-Dixie
Because of Winn-Dixie was the first book that we read in 1st grade that I actually liked and could understand. We read the book and watched the movie and it will probably be a book that i will read to my kids someday. This relates to literacy by me listening to the teacher read the book to the class. -
Wrecked my scooter
In 2013, I wrecked my brand new scooter in my moms brand new car on Christmas day. This was a very scary time for me because i didn't want to upset my mom. Luckily, i didn't get into too much trouble because i was so young. Thank the Lord. This relates to literacy by me listening to my dad rant and lecturing me about what all i did to my moms car. -
Conservation Project
In 2014 I wrote an essay about conservation to submit to the Kentucky Farm Bureaus contest. Along with the essay that explained the importance of conservation I drew a picture to go with it. I was honored to receive first place for my writing and drawing skills out of all of Kentucky's fifth graders. This relates to literacy by me writing a paper about my drawing. -
Bob Evans
For the past 3 years, my clogging team and i have traveled to Rio Grande, Ohio to the BobEvans farm festival to perform for thousands of people. We did about 4 shows a day, and at the beginning of each show i would speak to the audience and tell them about the performance. This relates to literacy by me writing and speaking in front of a crowd. -
Last May I competed in the 2018 Miss MayDay Teen pageant. This was the true test to all of my speaking skills when in front of a crowd. I had to spend long hours practicing and perfecting all of speeches to speak in front of the huge crowd that MayDay has. This relates to literacy by me writing all of my speeches, and speaking on stage.