Richard I

  • 1157

    Richard I

    Richard I
    Was born in Oxford
  • 1173

    Attempted robbery of the winch

    Attempted robbery of the winch
    Future Richard I of England, his brother Henry and Geoffrey, the Count of Brittany engage the support of Louis VII, king of France, and rebel against the Henry II of England
  • 1189

    Revelation by the throne

    Richard I of England, his brother future King John of England and Philip II of France rebel against Henry II of England
  • 1189

    Beginning of the reign

     Beginning of the reign
    Richard I begins to reign in England and will be nicknamed(The Lionheart)
  • Period: 1189 to 1192

    The Third Crusade

    The Third Crusade is formed with the aim of recapturing Jerusalem for Christendom. Although some cities were recaptured, Jerusalem was not one of them.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  • 1190

    His firts achievement

    His firts achievement
    Richard I of England captures Messina on Sicily during the Third Crusade.
  • 1191

    The Battles

    The Battles
    Richard I of England captures Acre and Chipre during the Third Crusade and one month later orders the execution of 2,500 Muslim prisoners after the siege of Acre during the Third Crusade.
  • 1194


    Richard I of England returns to England and nominates his brother John as his official successor.
  • 1199

    His dead

    Richard I of England is killed while besieging the castle of Châlus in France