
Revolutions/Unification's during the 1800's-1900's

  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian revolution was considered one of the largest and most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. The thing that inspired the Haitian revolution was to begin wad the French revolution. The Haitians wanted to create their own independent country and not work as slaves. The person who led this revolution was a former slave known as Toussaint I'Overture. The revolution started in the year of 1791 and ended on 1804 the day Haiti became independent.(Found Online)
  • The Mexican War of Independence

    The Mexican War of Independence
    The Mexican War of Independence was an armed conflict situation. The war was also the culmination of a political and social process. This caused the rule of Spain to end in the territory of New Spain. The movement was led by Mexican-born Spaniards, Mestizos, Zambos and Amerindians. Those group of people sought independence from Spain.(Found Online)
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar)
    In July 1811, The Patriotic Society of Caracas declared their independence and founded the first republic of Venezuela. Simon Bolivar's native Venezuela declared its independence from Spain in 1811. However, the struggle for independence had only just begun. Furthermore, Bolivar's volunteer army of revolution suffered numerous defeats in their battle of independence. Twice Bolivar had to go into exile. The war tool place during place the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)
    The Spanish forces in nearby Chile and Peru still posed as a great and dangerous threat. San Martin had join forces with O'Higgin's and with his help San Martin finally freed Chile. However, in 1821 San Martin planned to drive the remaining Spanish forces out of Lima, and Peru but for him to complete this task he needed to get a bigger force to complete such a commanding task. Furthermore, he went to join forces with Bolivar and they discussed the problem when they met in Guayaquil.
  • Brazilian Independence

    Brazilian Independence
    The Brazilian Independence had mostly comprised of a series of political and military events. These events occurred during 1821-1824. Most of these events involved disputes between Brazil and Portugal regarding the independence of Brazil. Moreover, most of the Brazilian independence was peaceful. The thing that caused the start of the Brazilian Independence was Napoleon's invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.(Found online)
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    The Greece were under control of the Ottoman Empire. However, the Greeks sought out independence to run their own country. After awhile the Greeks gained support from some of the most powerful European Nations. The nations that support Greece were Great Britain, Russia, and France.In 1827, the combine forces destroyed the Ottoman fleet at the Battle of Navarino. Three years later Britain, France, and Russia all signed a treaty guaranteeing Greece an independent Kingdom.
  • Romanticism

    This was a movement that reflected deep interest both in nature and in the thoughts and feelings of the individual. In many ways, Romantic thinkers/writers reacted against the ideas of the enlightenment.The idea of Romanticism is emotion, sometimes emotion was the key element of romanticism. Furthermore, romanticism went above and beyond feelings.Romantics expressed a wide range of ideas and attitudes and furthermore feelings.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    Charles Albert became king of Piedmont-Sardinia, he showed himself to be a cautious reformer.However, one who didn't really want a huge change. His personal principle aim was to strengthen and expand his kingdom. Italy was united on the year 1870. The two men who accomplished this task were Camilo Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    The person who led the German Unification was named Otto von Bismark. He was an aristocratic landowner from old Prussia. The reason for the unification was strengthen Prussia's position in Europe. Otto von Bismark was the man who mostly united most of the German states. On Jan 18, 1871 at the Palace of Versailles in France Germany was unified.