Latin american revolutions n

Revolutions of Latin America

  • The Start of the Haitian Revolution

    The Start of the Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution started when 100,000 enslaved Africans rose in revolt. The class that led the revolution was enslaved africans. The first leader was Toussaint L'Ouverture, who was formerly enslaved and the second leader was Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who was Toussaint's lieutenant.
  • The End of the Haitian Revolution

    The End of the Haitian Revolution
    The Haitians fought against France. The revolution ended when Toussaint L’Ouverture took control of the entire island and freed all the enslaved by 1801. On January 1,1804 General Dessaline, Toussaint’s lieutenant, declared the colony an Independent county. The revolution was successful because they were able to have an independent colony and were able to be free.
  • The Start of the Mexican Revolution

    The Start of the Mexican Revolution
    The revolution started when Padre Miguel Hidalgo believed in the Enlightenment ideas and rang the bell on the village church and issued a call to rebel against the Spanish. The classes involved in the revolution were the Indians and the Mestizos. One of the leaders was Padre Miguel Hidalgo, who was a priest in a small village of Dolores and the other leader was Padre Jose Maria Morelos.
  • The Start of the South American Revolution

    The Start of the South American Revolution
    The revolution started when, Bolivar won Venezuela’s freedom and marched south into Ecuador and met Jose de San Martin and both talked about the future for the Latin American revolutionary movement. The class involved in the revolution was the Creoles. One of the leaders was Simon Bolivar, a wealthy Venezuelan creole and the other leader was Jose de San Martin who was a Argentinian.
  • The End of the Mexican Revolution

    The End of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution fought against Spain. The revolution ended when creoles feared their loss of privileges from the Spanish so they united in support for Mexico’s Independence and Agustin de Iturbide announced Mexico’s Independence. The revolution was successful because the revolution that happened in Spain caused creoles to feel privilege-less, which made them unite and fight for Mexico's independence, which made Agustin de Iturbide announce Mexico's independence.
  • The Start of the Brazilian Revolution

    The Start of the Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian Revolution started when creoles demanded Brazil’s independence from Portugal. The class that led the revolution was the creoles. One of the leaders was King John and the other one was Dom Pedro, King John's son.
  • The End of the Brazilian Revolution

    The End of the Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian Revolution fought against Portugal. The revolution ended when 8,000 Brazilians signed a petition asking Dom Pedro to rule and when he agreed, he officially declared Brazil's independence from Portugal. The revolution was successful because the creoles petition for Dom Pedro to rule helped Dom Pedro to declare independence.
  • The End of the Southern American Revolution

    The End of the Southern American Revolution
    The Southern Revolution fought against Spain. The revolution ended when Spanish colonies in Latin America won their freedom and future countries like Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador united into a country called Gran Colombia.The revolution was successful because Bolivar and San Martin won the Spanish colonies in Latin America’s freedom.