Revolutions and Unification

By sheab13
  • Start of the French Revolution

    The Storming of the Bastille was a prison that contained just 7 inmates and it signaled the start of the start of the French Revolution.
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    Toussaint L'ouverture leads slave revolt

    The Haitian was the first successful slave revolt in history and it was led by Toussaint L'ouverture. The revolution led to an independent nation of Haiti.
  • Haiti Wins Independence

    Haiti becomes its own nation and wins the Haitian Revolution War
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France

    The day Napoleon I came to power that marked the "instantiation of modern empire"
  • Bolivar Liberates Ecuador

    Influenced by the French Revolution, Ecuador became independent with the help of Simon Bolivar
  • Colombian Independence

    Colombia liberated by Simon Bolivar and gain freedom
  • Bolivar Liberates Peru

    The French Revolution influenced the independence of Peru
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    Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla inspires revolution in Mexico

    Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla inspired a revolution. The revolution led to the independence of Mexico
  • San Martin liberates Chile

    San Martin leads Chile to independence
  • Bolivar Liberates Venezuela

    Venezuela declared their independence in the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence.
  • San Marin Liberates Argentina

    San Martin leads Argentina to independence after winning the war
  • Mexico gains independence

    Mexico became an independent nation with the inspiration of Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
  • Bolivar Liberates Bolivia

    After numerous battles Bolivian independence took place on August 6, 1825.
  • Guisseppi Mazzini creates "Young Italy"

    The movement's goal was to create a united Italian republic.
  • Zollverein

    The customs union of German states in the 19th century. It made it so you could trade freely between Germany
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    Italian Role in the Crimean War

    Sardinia allied with France and England against Russia. Sardinia didn't do much in the war, but due to their participation, they got a seat at the peace negotiations of Paris.
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    Garibaldi's Red Shirts capture Sicily

    Garibaldi led a 1,000 person militia called the Red Shirts into Sicily on May 5-6, 1860, a.k.a The Expedition of the Thousand. Two months later, Garibaldi and his Red Shirts conquered all of Sicily with the exception of Messina.
  • Camillo Cavour becomes Prime Minister

    Cavour becomes Prime Minister. This was important because of how much he contributed to Italian Unification
  • Bismarck Becomes Prime Minister

    Wilhelm appointed Bismarck prime minister-president and foreign minister of Prussia.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Speech given by Otto Von Bismarck for the unification of the German states
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    War with Denmark

    Prussian forces crossed the border into Schleswig. Denmark fought the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire.
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    Austro-Prussian War

    German states allied with Austria against Prussia. Prussia, in the long run, won the war due to superior numbers
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    Franco-Prussian War

    War between France and Prussia that signaled the rise of German military power. Otto Von Bismarck provoked it as part of his plan to create a unified German Empire.
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    2nd Reich

    The second reich was the German Empire. The whole of unified Germany. The 3rd Reich was Hitlers invasion of Nazi's
  • Victor Emmanuel II is crowned King of unified Italy

    Victor Emmanuel II became the first king of a united Italy