Haitian Revolution
Haiti, the western part of Hispaniola, about 500,000 people were enslaved Africans. They outnumbered their masters. While the French Revolution was taking place, the slaves rose against their masters on August 21, 1791. About 100,000 enslaved Africans rebelled. Toussant L'Ouverture became general and diplomat despite his poor background. French troops tried to remove his power in January. In may, Toussant put a halt on the rev. They accused him of another uprise and sent him to prison.Died April -
Mexico's Independence
The Creoles in Mexico were scared of their loss of privileges in the Spanish controlled. So they came together for the support of Mexico's independence from Spain. Agustin De Iturbide, who defeated Padre Morelos claimed independence in 1812. In 1823 he was over thrown due to his denial of recognizing independance. -
Latin American wars of independance (North, Simln Bolivar)
Simon Bolivar who is Venezuelan helped to gain independance from spain in 1811. His army had many defeats. He was exiled twice. However, in August 1819, he led 2,000 soilders to what is now colombia. There he surprised the spanish army in Bogota and won. In 1821 Venezuela had independance. He then went to Ecuador to meet with jose De San Martin. (no actuall date or month just year) -
Latin American Wars of Independance (South, San Martin)
Argentina declared independence in 1816. But the Spanish in Peru and Chile were still threating. In 1817 he led an army to chile. He joined Bernardo O'Higgins and they finally freed Chile in 1821 he planned to remove the Spanish from Lima Peru. He meet with Bolivar in Guayaquil, Ecuador in 1822. Sooon Bolivar commanded his army and defated the spanish in the battle of Ayacucho on december 9 1824. the latin american colonies had won their independance. -
Brazilian Independance
Portuguese's royal family had played a vital part in freeing Brazil from Portugal. Napoleon invaded Spain and Portugal. he wanted to shut down the ports. When french troops entered the Portuguese capital Primce John and his family had used the shipes to escape. they went to Rio De Janiero, Brazil in which became the capital of the portuguese empire. they lefted it there for 14 years. After napoleon was defeated in 1915, 6 years later the family went back to portugal. -
Brazilian independance(Continue)
However, their son, Dom Pedro stayed. IN 1822 creoles had wanted independence from Portugal. 8,000 Brazilians had signed a petition asking for Pedro to rule. Spetember 7, 1822 Brazil had gained independence from Portugal; -
Greeks Revolution
Although European governments opposed revolution, some places such as Russia agreed with the Greeks gaining independence. The reason for this is the Russians believed that had a connection with the Greek Orthodox Christians that were ruled by Muslim Ottomans. Europeans and Americans that are educated also looked up upon the greek culture. In 1827 British, the French, and Russian fleet had destroyed the Ottoman fleet in the battle of Navarino. In 1830 they were guaranteed independence. -
Italian Unification
Nationalist from Italy were looking for a leader from the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. The most powerful among the Italian states. 1848 they took a liberal constitution. 1852 Piedmont king, Victor Emmanuel II named Camilo di Cavour prime minister. He tries to gain control of northern Italy for Sardinia. He realizes that the hardest block was Austria. 1858 Napoleon agreed to help move Austria out of the northern Italian provinces. Sardinia took all of northern Italian except Venetia. -
Romanticism mirrored the interest of nature and writers against the ideas of enlightenment. Especially romantic thinkers and writers. it is said, "They turned reason to emotion, from society to nature." They did not accept the order of the middle class. For instance, some who fought for the freedom of Greece like Lord Byron were known as one of the top romantic poets. Crazy emotions is a key aspect of it.however it also shares ideas and attitudes. -
German Unification
Prussia had mostly germans that made up their population. Thus nationalism unified Prussia. However ethnic groups had broken the Austria-Hungary empire. Prussia had the most powerful army in Europe. in 1848, rioters from Berlin had pushed a constitutional convention. In which wrote up a liberal constitution for the kingdom in which created a way for Unification. -
Citation/ side notes
All of my citings were from the online book. Also, some dates were found online.
the dates that I could not find the entire date (ex:4.25.17) I put the year and january 1