Renaissance Timeline

  • 1309

    Pope Clement V moves to the Church Headquarters Avignon

    Pope Clement V moves to the Church Headquarters Avignon
    Clement V decided to move after King Phillip IV accused the Knights Templars (Religious military) of heresy. He stayed in Avignon, France for years for political reasons. He did eventually agree to get rid of the Templars.
  • 1321

    Dante Completes The Divine Comedy

    Dante Completes The Divine Comedy
    The Divine Comedy was a poem written by Dante while he was exiled. The Divine Comedy has three parts Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. The poem follows a man was is assumed to be Dante as he's lead by the poet Virgil through hell and purgatory until he reaches Beatrice who leads him to paradise.
  • Period: 1345 to 1400

    The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales is a long poem about the journey of some pilgrims which include the author himself. The pilgrims travel from an Inn in Southwark to a shrine in Canterbury. Originally it was supposed to have 100 stories in it but only 24 were made.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Poor people's lives during the Renaissance

    The poor would usually live in one room huts. They ate simple meals like bread every day. They usually worked in fields for very little pay. and Life During the Renaissance Power Point
  • Period: 1400 to

    Rich People's lives in the Renaissance

    The rich had very large homes with enough rooms for their family. They had different meals every day usually with wine. The rich wore fancy clothing like doublets and dresses.
  • 1405

    The Book of The City of the Ladies is finished

    The Book of The City of the Ladies is finished
    A book that was written by Christine de Pizan who was the first woman to be able to live off the money her books made. She decided to make a book that showed that women could do just as much as men could. Her story had her visited by God to prove that women could be smart and powerful too.
  • 1416

    Donatello Creates the Statue of Saint George

    Donatello Creates the Statue of Saint George
    Donatello was a famous artist of the Renaissance and was commissioned to create this statue for the guild Saint George belonged to. Donatello tried to make the statue as life-like as possible even giving it a very confident pose. A statue was made of Saint George because he was a military hero in the crusades.
  • 1425

    Florence's Population hits 60,000

    Florence's Population hits 60,000
    Florence was a great trade center which attracted the wealthy to come and spend money on goods. It was the wealthy that would come to run the government and make Florence an even more successful place. There were also many rich guilds in Florence.
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo De Medici is Born

    Lorenzo De Medici is Born
    Lorenzo is the son of Cosimo de Medici and being a Medici he grew up to be a rich and powerful man. When he was 16 his father sent him on important trips to meet with religious and political figures. Once his father died Lorenzo at age 20 took power over Florance. In his rule, he insured peace between rival families and solved many issues.
  • 1476

    Pope Sixtus IV says Indulgences can be Bought for People in Purgatory.

    Pope Sixtus IV says Indulgences can be Bought for People in Purgatory.
    It was believed if you bought an indulgence you could help a dead person's sin be forgiven. It was the year 1476 when Pope Sixtus IV says people could help others in purgatory by buying indulgences for them. This made people wonder why confess your sins when you could have someone buy you an indulgence.
  • Feb 9, 1498

    Da Vinci Finishes The Last Supper

    Da Vinci Finishes The Last Supper
    The Last Supper was a painting made by Da Vinci in 1498. Soon after it was finished it started going into poor condition. This was because Da Vinci wanted the painted to have more detail so he double plastered the wall it was to be painted on before. This technique was rare and sometimes failed. The moisture of the paint on the wall caused mold which caused the paint to peel off a lot.
  • 1502

    Cesare Borgia hires Da Vinci as a Military Engineer

    Cesare Borgia hires Da Vinci as a Military Engineer
    Da Vinci was paid to make defenses and weapons for Cesare Borgia. Cesare wanted to be prince somewhere but he knew he needed to be stronger. Cesare's father was Pope Alexander VI and his father backed his military campaign.
  • 1503

    Da Vinci Starts the Mona Lisa

    Da Vinci Starts the Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world and was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. It was finished sometime around the year 1519 after Da Vinci had died and the painting was found in his studio. The identity of the women in the portrait isn't known for sure but there are many theories.
  • 1504

    Michelangelo creates David

    Michelangelo creates David
    Michelangelo's David is a statue of David from the story of David and Goliath. Michelangelo hid his art until it was finished in January. The statue was originally supposed to be put up high in a cathedral but people thought it was to perfect for that so it was put in Piazza della Signoria. (The political heart of Florance)
  • Jul 17, 1505

    Martin Luther Becomes a Monk

    Martin Luther Becomes a Monk
    Martin's father paid for Martin to study law and become a lawyer. However, Martin was caught in the violent storm one day and swore to God he'd become a monk if he was saved from the storm. Staying true to his word Martin abandoned law and entered a monastery
  • 1512

    The Creation Of Adam is Finished

    The Creation Of Adam is Finished
    The Creation of Adam is one of Michelangelo's most famous works of art. It's painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which is where the pope lives. This painting is supposed to show God giving life to Adam.
  • Mar 11, 1513

    Leo X becomes Pope

    Leo X becomes Pope
    Leo X was elected Pope after Julius II died in February. Pope Leo X spent not only the church's money but also his own to build St. Peter's Basilica which wouldn't be finished until Paul V becomes Pope. Leo X would be the one to excommunicate Martin Luther from the church.
  • 1514

    Copernicus Proposes the Heliocentric Theory

    Copernicus Proposes the Heliocentric Theory
    Most people at the time believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. Copernicus, however, believed the Earth and other planets revolved around the sun and the sun was closer to the center of the universe. He wrote a book about his theory in 1532 but didn't publish it until 1543. Nobody could confirm his theory until Galileo used the telescope to see that the sun was the center of the solar system.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther Nailed his 95 Theses to Wittenberg Castle church

    Martin Luther Nailed his 95 Theses to Wittenberg Castle church
    Martin Luther believed that salvation can only be obtained through faith and prayer while the church had people believe they need to buy indulgences to reach Heaven. Martin Luther wrote all his problems with the church down as the 95 Theses and nailed them onto the door of his church. The 95 Theses were eventually copied and spread around Germany.
  • Apr 16, 1521

    Martin Luther Refuses to Recant his Work

    Martin Luther Refuses to Recant his Work
    The church wanted Luther to recant his work but he refused and a month later Charles V ordered that Martin's works be burned. This cause Martin to go into hiding for a while. While in hiding he worked on translating the New Testament into German.
  • 1524

    Peter Henlein Invents the Pocket Watch

    Peter Henlein Invents the Pocket Watch
    Peter Henlein was able to create smaller clocks that did not require weights to move the hands on the clock. His early models of the watch were an egg-like shape. These watches were originally worn on a chain around the neck
  • Hans and Zacharias Janssen make the Microscope

    Hans and Zacharias Janssen make the Microscope
    This microscope was handheld and had the eyepiece and objective lens in it. It worked by sliding the draw tube in and out to get a good focus on whatever you were studying. When the draw tube was in you could see objects three times as magnified and up to ten times magnified when it was extended out.
  • John Harrington Creates the Flush Toilet

    John Harrington Creates the Flush Toilet
    John Harrington's design for the flush toilet was a two-foot deep bowl that required about seven and a half gallons of water to flush. If there wasn't enough water up to 20 people could use the toilet before it needs to be flushed. The flush toilet didn't become commonly used until centuries after this.
  • Galileo Invents the Telescope

    Galileo Invents the Telescope
    Galileo used the invention of the spyglass and decided to improve on it making the telescope. He used this to view the moon and other planets. He discovered that the moon was not smooth and that Jupiter had four moons.
  • Francis Bacon Improves on the Scientific Method

    Francis Bacon Improves on the Scientific Method
    Francis Bacon thought the best way to test a hypothesis is to try to prove it wrong. An example of this is that to prove something causes sickness you need to find a healthy person and expose them to that thing. He also believed something should be tested multiple times before you can prove it wrong or support it.
  • Blaise Pascal Invents the Adding Machine

    Blaise Pascal Invents the Adding Machine
    Pascal was a 19 when he invented the adding machine. He created it to help his father who was a clerk. The machine was a wooden box with dials on it and turning the dials allowed you to quickly add numbers.