Renaissance & Reformation TImeline

  • Jan 29, 1230

    Scientfic Meathod (Scientific Discoveries)

    Scientfic Meathod (Scientific Discoveries)
    This meathod is still used to this day for science experiments. It has six steps to it and helps scientits every day. There was not really one day the meathod was finished because it changes every day little by little. Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, and Rene Descartes were three scientits that started the meathod.
  • Period: Mar 28, 1389 to

    The Madici Family (Patrons of the arts)

    The Madici was one of the richest and somewhat respected family. Like every family they were not that popular. But when they moved to Florence they started banks and ofther stuff. At one point they were kicked out of Florence but, they went back after a few years. Then after a few centeries past the family just died of because there were no more decendents of the first Medici. (
  • Mar 12, 1400

    Food (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)

    Food (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)
    The food during this time range from your class rank. The lower class got the not good food and the upper class got really good meals. The meals were limited when you are at a lower class and not as limited for the upper class.
  • Apr 28, 1490

    Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance Art/Artists)

    Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance Art/Artists)
    Mr. da Vinci was remembered as one of the greatest painter of all time. He was know for a lot of famous paintings. LIke the The last supper, The Mona Lisa, ect. Around 1500 he started to paint a lot because people like the new ways he was painting. He made about 4 painting around the early 1500. (
  • May 25, 1498

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    THe Last Supper was made by Leonardo da Vinvci. It was based of the Bible when Jesus ate his last meal. The meaning of the picture is very powerful.
  • Jun 12, 1506

    Education (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)

    Education (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)
    The education was very small and not many people had the money to get the education. The education was just in the small places and the rich people are the onlys ones that could buy it.
  • Jun 18, 1507

    Raphael (Renaissance Art/Artists)

    Raphael (Renaissance Art/Artists)
    Raphael is another well known artists. He was known for his "Madonnas". He did not live long at all. He died at the age 37 and he tired to make most of his life and he did. He reached a point like all other popular artists. On the year 1507 a lot happened in his life.
  • Oct 31, 1512

    Michelangelo (Renaissance Art/Artists)

    Michelangelo (Renaissance Art/Artists)
    Michelangelo was also a famous painter. He is the one that id the statue of David and did the Sistine Chaple. He was alos part of the Madici family. He left Florence but then he came after a few years. On the this date was his most profound day because revealed the the Chaple.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 theses

    Martin Luther's 95 theses
    Martin wrote the theses because he was not happy about how the church acking. He nailed the them to the church door so everybody can see them. He also wrote it in the german so people could read it.
  • Jun 12, 1521

    Leo X Papal bull

    Leo X Papal bull
    While the Catholic Church was trying to get Luther to recant, or take back, what he wrote about the church, Pope Leo X was busy writing his new bull about Luther. It stated that if anyone sees anything written by Luther shall be burned either publically or privately, but it must be destroyed. After Luther learned about this, he burned a copy of the Papal Bull. Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation Notes
  • Jun 20, 1521

    Martin burning the Papal

    Martin burning the Papal
    After Luther finds out that Pope Leo wrote a papal bull that said to burn all of his works and turn Luther into the church, Luther got his revenge by burning a copy of the Papal Bull. He read a line from the bull, and then looked at the group around him, and threw it into the fire. Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation Powerpoint and Luther movie.
  • Dec 12, 1531

    Luther writes Bible in German

    Luther writes Bible in German
    Before Luther rewrote the Bible in German, it was written in only Latin, so that only people from the church could read it. Luther thought that everyone should know all about the Bible, and wrote a copy while he was excommunicated and gave it to one of his monk friends. Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation Notes.
  • Jun 18, 1532

    The Heliocentric Theory (Scientific Discoveries)

    The Heliocentric Theory (Scientific Discoveries)
    This theory was a new theory that replace the other theory that said that the Earth was at the center of the untiverse. So from that day that theory has been proven true.
  • Dec 21, 1544

    Francis I (KIng of France) (Patrons of the Arts)

    Francis I (KIng of France) (Patrons of the Arts)
    He was kinda of a famous person. He went into war with King David four times and and the last time in he handed over his claims to Naples, Flanders, and Artois. A lot happened during his life time, but The wars were the bigest part of his life but the date is when eveything he had was gone.
  • Aug 12, 1555


    In 1555, Andrea Amati invented his very first violin in his hometown in Cremona, Italy. When Amati was making the violin, it was way smaller than the modern day version. Amati also used smaller strings, but they were used in the same way.
  • Firearm (Inventions)

    Firearm (Inventions)
    Before the firearms were made there were swords, axes, anything in close combat besides the crossbow. Then the firearms came around they were a high demand because people what to win the wars. The first gun was a big barrel hand pistol.
  • Color Purple (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)

    Color Purple (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)
    The color purple became the Roylty color because the dye for the clothes was so expancive. The color itself was made by a guy tring to find a cure for malaria. So he decied to make a lot of money off of it and he did.
  • The Starry Night

    The Starry Night
    The starry night is a common painting a lot of people know. The Staerry Night painting was made by Vincent van Gogh a very insane man. The story behind it was that he was writing to brother about what he saw one day.