Renaissance & Reformation Timeline

  • Period: 1300 to

    Food Daily life

    The merchants and nobles had big feasts with expensive food. They had soups with spices and they had beef and pork roast. The roasts were basted in in juices which added flavor. At weddings that had game bird. They didn't have traditional deserts we have now. Their deserts were "fruit courses." They would have fruits, jellies, nuts, and cheese. These were eaten by the rich and higher class people. Their water wasn't clean so they would usually drink wine or ale.
    Life During the Renaissance slide
  • Period: 1300 to 1554

    The Bible catholic church

    Before the Bible was translated by Martin Luther only the Pope and priest were able to read it. This made it so the church had a lot of power they should not have had. They manipulated the word of the bible and made things up about it in order to get money. Followers of the Pope had no way of telling what they were doing until it was translated.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Education daily life

    During the beginning of the Renaissance, education was centered around reading, writing, and math but they all dealt with religion at the same time. The middle class were the ones who had education but sometimes talented lower-class individuals were allowed to get an education. Boys attended small schools with other boys but someone decided to get private tutors. When they got older some would continue to get an education at a university while others got jobs.
    Life During the Renaissance slides
  • 1364

    Invention of Firearms

    Invention of Firearms
    The first firearms were invented in China during the 10t century. They first used fire lances. A wheel lock used fire to light the gunpowder. Firearms led to a whole new style of war and fighting. Instead of hand to hand combat, firearms took over and became a very important part of war and life today.
    Ella's Renaissance invention paper.
  • 1389

    The New Economy daily life

    The New Economy   daily life
    Trading had changed because trading goods for goods was way less common. People started to use money more and people used it to buy things rather than trade. Money led to more people becoming wealthy and this made it so more cities flourished. The Medici's open their first bank in 1397 which was the turning point for future banking.
  • 1395

    Jan Van Eyck renaissance artwork/artist

    Jan Van Eyck  renaissance artwork/artist
    Jan Van Eyck was a Netherlandish painter. He was considered to be one of the best painters in the Northern Renaissance. Jan Van Eyck mastered and found new styles of oiling painting. The Madonna and Child with Chancellor Rolin was one of his most popular paintings along with the Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and Wife. He was able to change Renaissance painting by finding new techniques and styles of oil painting.
  • 1397

    The Medici banking system Patrons of the Arts

    The Medici banking system  Patrons of the Arts
    The Medici family was a very wealthy family from the city of Florence, Italy and they had control of Florence. Giovanni took over the Roman branch of banking from his cousin and moved it to Florence. With the money that they made from banking, they helped support artist and by doing this they were able to focus more time on art than banking. Most of the artworks that came from the beginning of the Renaissance were because of the Medici family.
  • 1434

    Cosimo Medici Patrons of the Arts

    Cosimo Medici  Patrons of the Arts
    Cosimo Medici was apart of the wealthy Medici family that had control of Florance, Italy. He was the son of Giovanni Medici. He was seen as one of the most if not the richest man of his time. He monopolized the Tolfa alum mines. Alum was a big part of the economy and the textile industry. He helped to expand the Medici bank and help banking evolve and expand into what it is today.
  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    The Printing Press was an important advancement in society in the Renaissance. It allowed mass production of books and any form of writing, It was helpful to the public because it allowed them to read and learn about things and events that they previously wouldn't have had the chance to. The Bible was one book that was produced in mass production using the printing press and this helped the expansion of the religion.
  • 1476

    The selling of Indulgences catholic church

    The Catholic church began to sell indulgences more often in 1476. They did this to raise money. The thing people didn't realize was that they were being sold to raise money because they were actually told that if they bought one for themself or a loved one they would go straight to Heaven and skip purgatory. This lead confrontation in the church which led to a reformation.
  • 1485

    Flying Machine scientific discovery

    The flying machine was one of Leonardo's most popular inventions. He based it off of winged animals like bats. The machine had a 33-foot wingspan and the frame of it was made of pine with a light a silk coat. The pilot of the machine would lie face down in the center but there were no successful flights because no one could get it off the ground.
  • 1495

    The Last Supper renaissance art work/artist

    The Last Supper  renaissance art work/artist
    In 1495 Leonardo Da Vinci paints The Last Supper. The Last Supper is a painting of Jesus and 12 apostles around a table. This is when Jesus tells them that one of them will betray him. This is important to Renaissance art and artist because Leonardo Da Vinci was a very big artist at this time and The Last Supper was one of his biggest works of art.
    Renaissance artwork research paper.
  • 1504

    Michelangelo Renaissance artwork/artist

    Michelangelo is sometimes called the greatest artist ever since the beginning of the Renaissance. He did not want to go to school so he went to churches to watch painters. He did not want to be a part of his family's business so he went to Ghirlandaio to be an apprentice. He painted two popular paintings called the Madonna and Child in 1504 and The Creation in 1516. He has influenced many other artists due to his work.
  • 1505

    Raphael Renaissance artist/artwork

    Raphael was a master painter and also an architect. His most popular paintings are the Madonna of the Chair which he painted in 1514 and the Madonna dell Granduca that he painted in 1505. He influenced many artists because of his talent and unique way of painting.
  • 1508

    The Discovery of the Heliocentric Solar System scientific discovery

    The Heliocentric Solar System took a while to catch on. The first person to discover it was Aristarchus of Samos. Philolaus and Hicetas found it that the Earth was not the center of the universe. What they didn't know was that the planets were revolving until Aristarchus expanded his theory stating that he believed the object is the sun.
  • 1511

    Simony in the church catholic church

    Simony was the way the church raised their money. One reason that the church might have been corrupted could be that they didn't have the most qualified people running the church. Simony was almost unheard of in the first 3 centuries but wealth in certain positions may have lead to it becoming more common. Getting rid of simony in the church was one of the steps taken to deal with the corruption in the church.
  • 1516

    Utopia by Thomas More Literary Works

    Thomas More was the first person to write about Utopia. This book was a complicated self-contained community set on an island people shared the same culture and way of life. People don't know what the clear purpose of the book was. Some people think it was showing us a better way to live life, or if it's just another way to talk about the chaos of politics.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 Theses Martin Luther

    The more Martin Luther learned about the church and what they were doing and all of their lying, the angrier he got. Because of this, he wrote his 95 theses. The theses explain that the Bible is the main religious authority and the only way for humans to reach Haven or salvation was through faith. This lead to controversy and a split in the church.
  • 1519

    The Mona Lisa renaissance artwork/artist

    The Mona Lisa  renaissance artwork/artist
    This was painted by Leonardo De Vinci. Leonard didn't leave behind any information on who this is a painting of. There are three main theories about the person in the painting is. Some people think that it was actually a self-portrait that has been disguised as a woman. Others think it is Lisa del Giocondo, or his mother, Caterina.
  • 1520

    The Burning of the Papal Bull Martin Luther

    The writing that Luther published angered the church. The Bull contained 41 of Luther's statements that violated the church and that they wanted all of Luther's writings to be burned and he must recant. After 60 days Luther burned the Papal Bull and he spoke about the burning of his books.
  • 1534

    The Translation of the Bible Martin Luther

    Martin Luther began translating the Bible into German when he was imprisoned in Wartburg in 1521. He completely translated the bible in 1534 which marked a huge point in the evolution of religion. This allowed people to read the bible themselves instead of only the church.
  • The Courtier by Castiglione Literary Works

    The Courtier gives a view into the Renaissance court life and what best how-to guide for people wanting to be a courtier in the future. The Renaissance Court consisted of a ruler's servants, advisors, nobles, and foreign nobility. The court revolved around the prince it served.
  • Invention of the flush toilet

    Invention of the flush toilet
    The flush toilet in the Renaissance had a lever on the side that you would pull and the waste would then go down a pipe and into wherever the pipe ended which was typically a river or street. The flush toilet allowed people to be a little bit more sanitary and clean instead of just leaving their waste in their toilets. The flush toilet has changed over the years into the toilets we have in our houses now which are way cleaner and they help us live cleaner lives.
    Lucas Renaissance invention paper
  • The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men by Lucrezia Marinella Literary Works

    Lucrezia Marinella was a talented poet, a women's activist, and an expert on natural and moral philosophy. In an effort to effect social change, she argued that morally, intellectually, and other ways women are superior to men. She had to write The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men quickly because she wrote it to argue Giuseppe Passi's condemnation of about women's defects.
  • Adding Machine scientific inventions

    Adding Machine  scientific inventions
    The adding machine helped to make certain jobs easier. The adding machine would add if you turned the dial clockwise and subtract if you turned it counter-clockwise. After that, the answer would show up at the top. The invention of the adding machine led to the invention of the calculator which is a big part of math today. There is even a calculator on your phone. If we didn't have the adding machine we wouldn't have some of the things we have today.
    Maddy's Renaissance invention paper