Renaissance & Reformation Ryan C

  • 1285

    Invention of eyeglasses

    Invention of eyeglasses
    Eyeglasses were invented by Salvina D'Armate and Allesandro della Spine helped him market his invention. During the Renaissance when printed material becomes popular, more people realized they needed help reading print. Today's glasses are similar to those of the past except temples have been added to the sides.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Renaissance Fashion and Clothing

    In the Renaissance, a person's clothes would show their class. The clothes the wealthy wore was made from nicer material than the peasants. The wealthy also had more variety of clothes. Light hair and pale complexions were also desirable.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Daily Life

    There were 4 classes of people. Like Patricians, Burghers, Workers, and the unemployed. Education was limited to the middle-class and high-class people.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Food of the Renaissance

    Types of food that was eaten during the Renaissance depended on one's social class. Peasants ate simple broths, stale bread and vegetable dishes. Salt was expensive so they rarely had meat. Nobility often had large feasts. Water was unclean so, they drank mainly wine and beer.
  • 1397

    Medici Bank founded

    Medici Bank founded
    The Medici Bank was founded in 1397 by Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici. It was the first bank that you could borrow money from. The bank made the Medici family wealthy so that they were able to support the arts.
  • 1404

    The Book of the City of Ladies

    The Book of the City of Ladies
    Christine de Pizan, an Italian writer, wrote "The Book of the City of Ladies". Many writers at the time believed that women were unable to learn. She defended women by writing this book. She believed that women were just as able to learn as men. Textbook 382
  • 1440

    Invention of moveable type

    Invention of moveable type
    Johannes Gutenburg, a German printer, invented moveable print. This made distributing information easier. It had a huge impact on education and increased want for knowledge. It made printing books a lot easier. Textbook 382
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist and an inventor. He was born on April 15, 1452. Some of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings include Madonna with Child, The Annunciation, St. John the Baptist, Angels and Landscape of the Baptism of Christ, Adoration of the Magi, and The Last Supper. He was also known for inventing different things like a diving suit, and aerial screw.
  • 1500

    Roman Catholic Church

    Roman Catholic Church
    In the 1500s, the Roman Catholic Church was led by the Pope. The Pope lived in Rome and overseen all the Catholic churches. The Pope and the Catholic Church was seen as being rich and powerful. Most major life events were celebrated in the church.
  • 1500

    The Path to Salvation

    The Path to Salvation
    Everyday people believed that the only path to salvation was through the Catholic Church. This path of salvation would lead you to heaven. The church had seven sacraments that led the way to heaven. These were Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, Penance, Marriage, Anointing of the sick and Ordination.
  • 1508

    Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam

    In 1508, Michelangelo started painting "The Creation of Adam". It took him about 4 years to complete. This famous painting can be found on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Another one of his paintings was Madonna and Child.
  • 1509

    Raphael Sanzio's School of Athens

    Raphael was a famous painter that painted many paintings. In 1509, he started painting "School of Athens". This painting shows his great skill for the use of color. This painting also has many famous philosophers painted into it.
  • 1510

    Pocket Clock

    Pocket Clock
    The pocket watch was created by Peter Henlein. He was a German locksmith. The first watches were simple and were easily broken. This invention created a new worldwide industry.
  • Mar 15, 1517

    Pope Leo X sells indulgences

    Pope Leo X sells indulgences
    One Pope during the Renaissance was Pope Leo X. He wanted to rebuild the church of St. Peter's. Rebuilding it was going to be expensive. To raise money for the church he decided to sell Indulgences. On, March 15, 1517, he announced that anyone who gave money to the church would be granted an indulgence.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    The 95 Theses

    The 95 Theses
    Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-five Theses and made them public. Luther was a monk and strongly disagreed with the selling of indulgences. He believed that sins were not forgiven by the purchasing of indulgences.
    Textbook page 396
  • 1521

    Excommunication of Luther

    Excommunication of Luther
    The Pope is unhappy with Martin Luther's beliefs and excommunicates him. He is therefore no longer a member of the Catholic Church. He was supposed to go before Charles V and the Holy Roman Empire and be executed. However, Frederick III of Saxony rescued and hid him.
    Textbook 397
  • 1525

    Pieter Brueghel

    Pieter Brueghel
    Also, know as Pieter Bruegel the Elder. He was born in 1525. He was an artist until 1569. He painted four famous paintings the hunters in the snow, The Beggars, The Tower of Babel, Landscape of the Fall of Icarus.
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Nicolas Copernicus studied in the field of astronomy. He is famous for publishing "On the Revolutions of Celestial Bodies". Believed that the sun was the center of the universe. Believed that the earth rotated and tilted around the sun.
  • 1547

    Catherine de Medici

    The Medici family is a very rich Italian, banking family. Catherine de Medici became the Queen of France in 1547. She supported the arts and even brought ballet to the French nobles. She collected art and had several portraits painted of her children.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Germany was at war due to religious differences. This agreement allowed German leaders to chose between Catholicism and Lutheranism. All German states had the same legal rights.
    textbook page 398
  • 1565

    Hunters in the snow

    Hunters in the snow
    The hunters in the snow is a painting. The painting is set in a slight mountain area in winter. the city or town is near lots of water. so there a lot of ice-skating.
    My paper about the hunters in the snow.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    Romeo and Juliet is a book and play that was written in 1595. It was written by William Shakespeare. It is about love, romance, drama, and tragedy. The main characters were from feuding upper-class families.
  • Hamlet

    Hamlet was a play written by William Shakespeare. In this play, Prince Hamlet seeks revenge for his father's death. Hamlet pretends to be a crazy person in order to find the truth about his father's death.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Johannes Kepler combined the field of physics and astronomy. He created Kepler's law of planetary motion. He believed that the planets followed an elliptical orbit around the sun.
  • The Scientific Method

    The Scientific Method
    The scientific method was created by Sir Frances Bacon. He believed that scientific facts should be used to find the overall general rule of science. He used inductive reasoning. This changed the way scientists study science.