The Divine Comedy
It was written by a Italian man named Dante Alighieri. It's written about soul's traveling through salvation. When reading, the author gives a image of what purgatory, hell, and heaven would look like.
(Artistic Movements notes) -
Period: 1390 to 1441
Jan van Eyck
Jan van Eyck was the inventor and professional with oil paints. In his paintings, he gave them more depth in detail. This gave the paintings a realistic look. He never worried about perspective but more on the subject's details. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance notes) -
The Book of the City of Ladies
It was written by a french woman by the name of Christine de Pizan. It was written to Argued that women would be just as intelligent and successful as men if they were given the same educational opportunities as men. ( Artistic Movement Notes ) -
Oil Paints
This was made up of mostly oil, solvent, and a varnish. The measurements were very strict. It followed the fat over lean rule. This prevented any cracking from happening as the paint tried on the canvas. (Amilia's Invention Project https://eclecticlight.co/2015/02/10/who-invented-oil-paint/ ) -
Printing Press
This made it possible to copy text onto papers faster. The printing press made it easier to have many copies in little time. Since it was invented, more people could get access to books and received news quicker. (Daelyn's Invention Project) (Michael's Invention Project) -
Christian Humanism
In the 1400s, North Europe decided to make a change to their social economy just like the Italian's did. The North's main goal was to reform the Catholic Church. They believe that human beings should read and follow the ways of Jesus. (Textbook Page 176) -
Selling Indulgences
The church would sell indulgences and try and tell people lies. It didn't actually help people at all. They wanted their money more than anything else. -
Period: 1452 to 1519
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci wanted to show the real beauty in his paintings. He was called the master of "realistic paintings." He dissect humans bodies to understand how the body function. He was good with math, sculpting, building, and painting. He most famous paintings are the last super and the Mona Lisa. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance notes) -
The Canterbury Tales
The book has many stories told by 29 pilgrims. It talks about what the 29 Pilgrims experienced during their time. They were going to see St. Thomas Beckett's tomb in Canterbury, England. (Artistic Movement notes) -
The Medici Family
The Medici family was a banking family during the Renaissance time. They funded Michelangelo after Pope Julius. They believe that Michelangelo would give the family a nice repatriation on them and give the family a nice painting.
( https://nhcs.wikispaces.com/Renaissance+Patrons) -
The Last Supper
The last supper was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting was to show was all four Gospels from the New Testament. This painting was the night before Jesus was betrayed. Jesus and His disciples were gathered to eat and get their feet washed by Jesus.
(https://www.leonardodavinci.net/the-last-supper.jsp) -
The Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa is an oil base painting. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. It was painted in Florence, Italy.
(https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mona-Lisa-painting) -
Pope Julius II
Pope Julius II was one of the Patrons of Arts. He was the first to found Michelangelo in his works. One of Michelangelo's first projects that Pope Julius made him do was make his tomb.
( https://nhcs.wikispaces.com/Renaissance+Patrons ) -
Corruption in the Church
The church needed to raise money to build St. Peter's basilica. They decided to sell relics from the church. This was called simony. They also sold indulgences to people meaning they can free souls of the dead from purgatory, and go to Heaven. The church ripped every poor person from their money by this. (Martin Luther and Reformation notes) -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses
Martin Luther Posted his writing on the doors of the church. He wanted the people and the church know that there is no place in the bible saying God wanted indulgences to be sold. He also wanted to share the reality of everything and the truth to the people instead of what the church was saying. (Martin Luther: The Protestant Reformation notes) -
Martin Luther Disappears
When Martin Luther was Excommunicated from the church, all of his work was to be burned. Luther was also to be captured and brought to the emperor. Luther's ruler, Fredrick sent Luther into hiding and protected him. During that time Luther rewrote the new testament from Latin to German. ( Textbook Page 179 ) -
Heliocentric Solar System
During the Renaissance era, people were taught to believe that all planets orbit around the Earth. Nicolaus Copernicus proved everyone wrong. He saw in his telescope that the sun was in the middle and all the other planets from Mercury to Pluto orbit around the sun. No one believe what he saw. After his death, people started to take it for consideration to check and they were shocked by what they saw. (Taylor R. Canva + Jacob) -
The Violin
The violin was initially used for vocal and dance accompaniment. By the seventeenth century, composers like Monteverdi began to incorporate violins into instrumental ensembles. (Samantha's Invention Project) -
Hunters in the Snow
Pieter the Elder Bruegel was Netherlandish Renaissance painter that was famous for his landscapes and a peasant view in his paintings. All of his paintings were backgrounds of religious or genre themes. The Hunters in the snow was the first-ever winter landscape painting in Western History of painting. The purpose of the painting was to show three Hunters coming home with their dogs after a long day of hunting at their village. -
Jupiter has 4 Moons
When the telescope was invented, Galileo made one for himself. In doing that he made a lot of new discoveries during his time. One, in particular, was the four moons orbiting around Jupiter. They are called Lo, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.