Period: Feb 16, 1300 to
Humanism (culture)
The values of the renaissance changed a lot. The important things shifted. The arts began to get more recognition. (http://westerncivguides.umwblogs.org/2009/09/06/culture-of-the-renaissance/) -
Period: Feb 16, 1300 to
The renaissance was a time in which people rebelled against typical learning norms. The amount of art that was taken in and shown in the renaissance leads people to think that this time period was a bridge between the middle ages and today's modern era. (http://www.tampapix.com/renaissance.htm) -
Feb 15, 1304
Renaissance of the Christian Church
During this time the Church exploded. Many people saw much increased faith. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_humanism) -
Feb 15, 1397
Medici family pt. 2
The Medici family controlled most of Florence throughout the renaissance. They started the patronage of the arts. (www.sparknotes.com/history/european/renaissance1/section2.rhtml) -
Feb 15, 1400
Medici family
Cosimo Medici was very wealthy. His grandson Lorenzo de Medici became a great patron of the arts. (Italian renaissance notes) -
Feb 15, 1440
Printing press
Johannes Guttenburg made the very first printing press. He started in 1436 and ended in 1440. (http://www.inventionware.com/renaissance-inventions/) -
Feb 15, 1441
Jan Van Eyck
Jan Van Eyck is considered to be the most representative of northern renaissance art. He passed away in 1441. -
Dec 13, 1466
Donatello was a sculptor in the early renaissance times. He went down in history as one of the greatest of all Italian renaissance artists. He passed away in 1466.(www.biography.com/people/donatello-21032601) -
Feb 15, 1500
Trade allowed people to get goods that they did not previously have from other countries. Imports included turkey and sweet potatoes. 1400's-early 1500s (life during the renaissance notes) -
Feb 15, 1500
Scientists discover astronomy
Many scientists made great discoveries with astronomy during the renaissance. Galileo created a telescope just so that he could look to see the planets once he discovered there were others. Other scientist Nicolaus Copernicus believed that the sun was directly in the center of the universe. (http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_astronomy.php) -
Feb 15, 1500
Scientists discover advanced warefare
Scientists discovered how to shoot metal balls out of guns with gun powder and cannons. This put an end to the Middle Age's whole knights and castle ordeal. (http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php) -
Feb 15, 1500
Reformation of the Christian Church
During the reformation of the Christian Church many people began reading the New Testament. Christians began to study the philosophy of God. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_humanism) -
Jul 15, 1501
Martin Luther becoming a Monk
Martin's life changed when he was walking through a terrible thunderstorm. Upon almost dying, he swore to God that he would become a monk and give his life to him if he lived. The storm then subsided. (http://www.biography.com/people/martin-luther-9389283#early-life) -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther- 95 Thesis
Acting upon his own beliefs against the Catholic Church Martin Luther wrote 95 thesis'. He nailed them to the door of the Wittenburg Castle Church. (www.history.com/topics/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses) -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo had broad interests in all of the different forms of art. He is very famous for the painting of Mona Lisa. Leonardo passed away in 1519. (www.leonardoda-vinci.org/) -
Apr 6, 1520
Raphael was an artist during the renaissance. His work is appreciated for the clarity of his paintings. Raphael died in 1520. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael) -
Feb 15, 1522
Translating the bible
Martin Luther translated the bible from Latin into German so that everyone could read it. Martin Believed that the only way to lead a good life was to read the bible. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luther_Bible) -
Mar 15, 1523
Pietro Perugino
Pietro was a teacher to Raphael who went on to be his most famous pupil. He passed away in 1523. (https://www.britannica.com/biography/Perugino) -
Feb 15, 1535
Thomas More (Writer)
Thomas More was recognized as a classic scholar during the 16-th century. He published a Utopia that was considered to be one of the finest literature works they'd ever read. (http://www.online-literature.com/more/) -
Feb 15, 1581
Scientists discover the clock
The first mechanical clock was made during the early renaissance, but Galileo made some changes to it and was the first to create a pendulum. This allowed clocks to later be much more accurate. (http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php) -
Edmund Spencer (Writer)
Edmund Spencer is known as one of the greatest poets of the renaissance time. His most famous work is a poem called The Faerie Queen. (http://www.online-literature.com/edmund-spenser/) -
Enlightenment of the Christian Church
The divide between religions was finally lifted by the Europe ruler in the mid-16th century. There was no divide between humanism and Christianity. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_humanism) -
Galileo Galilei takes the credit of inventing the telescope after getting the idea from a man who offered to sell him and object that could see far distances. He began to use it in 1609. -
William Shakespeare (Writer)
William Shakespeare wrote the famous 154 Sonnets. He created many conflicts between literary works. (http://www.online-literature.com/shakespeare/) -
Steam engine
The steam engine was originally introduced by a man known as "Hero of Alexandria", but a man named Thomas Savery completed the first one. Steam engines were developed from the sixteenth century and on. (http://www.inventionware.com/renaissance-inventions/)