Church History by Sergio Khoury

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    Monasticism or now known as Monkhood is a Religious way of life in which one gives up wordly pursuits to dedicate oneself fully to spiritual work.
  • Mar 19, 1054

    The Schism (East and West Split)

    The Schism (East and West Split)
    The East-West was an event that hasten the final separation between the Eastern Christian Churches which was led by the patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius and the Western Church which was led by Pope Leo IX.
  • Jul 15, 1095

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    The First Crusade which was the first of the eight crusades that pursued to recapture holy lands which was called by Pope Urban III in 1095
  • Jun 16, 1147

    Second Crusade

    Second Crusade
    The second crusade was the second of the eight crusades that occurred which was launched from Europe as the "Catholic Holy War" against, Islam. The second crusade started due to the fall of the county of Edessa.
  • Jun 25, 1189

    Third Crusade

    Third Crusade
    The Third Crusade which is also known as the "Kings Crusade", was a pursue by the European rulers to crush the Holy land of Saladin.
  • Jul 16, 1202

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    The Fourth Crusade was a western european armed quest called by, Pope Innocent III, it was originally intended to crush Muslim-controlled by Jerusalem.
  • Mar 11, 1213

    Fifth Crusade

    Fifth Crusade
    The fifth crusade was an attempt by Western Europeans to restore Jerusalem and the rest of the Holy Land but first they need to conquer the powerful Ayyubid state in Egypt.
  • May 16, 1228

    Sixth Crusade

    Sixth Crusade
    The sixth crusade occurred during 1228 as a pursuit to take over Jerusalem. It started seven years after their failure to conquer their quest during the fifth crusade.
  • May 19, 1248

    Seventh Crusade

    Seventh Crusade
    The seventh crusade wasn't begun by a pope, it was begun by a King named, Louis XI of France. Later on Louis XI was announced that he will be a Saint because of his devotion to God. Louis announced his crusade in 1244 AD.
  • Apr 11, 1270

    Eighth Crusade

    Eighth Crusade
    The eighth crusade was a crusade that was sent by Louis XI of France against the city of Tunis in 1270. The eighth crusade is frequently is calculated to be the seventh.
  • May 17, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea in October 1347. 12 trading ships docked at the sicilian port of Messina after a great long journey over the black sea. People thought that they were being punished by God because of their sins. They walker around streets punishing themselves and praying for God to forgive their sins
  • May 3, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    The protestant reformation was the 16th-century religious, political, intellectual and cultural raise that rived Catholic Europe. Martin Luther disagreed for a Religious and political redistribution of power into the hands of the Bible.
  • Jul 14, 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Council of Trent was chosen by Paul III who was the Pope from 1534 till 1549 and it first sat in December 1545. It was finally dissolved in 1563 but though it would show up to have a life interval of 18 years, it was only matched in conversations for four and a half years.
  • First Vatican Council

    First Vatican Council
    The First Vatican Council, 20th comprehensive council of the Roman Catholic Church which was assembled by Pope Pius XI to contract the current problems that they are facing. The Pope was suggesting to the rising control of rationalism, liberalism and materialism.
  • Ecumenism

    Ecumenism, the development or tendency toward worldwide Christian unity or service. The term, of late origin, emphasizes what is viewed as the universality of the Christian Churches.
  • Second Vatican Council

    Second Vatican Council
    The second Vatican council which was the 21st Ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church which was announced by Pope John XXIII on January 25th 1959. In the opening of the council on October 11 1962 the Pope considered the council fathers to try to accommodate the pastoral needs of the church
  • Mary Mackillop Becomes a Saint

    Mary Mackillop Becomes a Saint
    The Pope confirmed that Mary Mackillop, who was a nun, would become a Saint. Pope Benedict XIV made an announcement at a meeting of the Cardinals in the Vatican Council.