Dec 24, 1229
Prison for life
Even if you didn't kill you they would send you to prison. And make you wise you were died. -
Dec 24, 1229
Spanish inquisition stared in 1229
The inquisition was a holy office. Established by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II and Isabella I . -
Jan 2, 1492
Reconquista of spain
The Reconquista was a period in the history of the Iberian Peninsula. It happened in between 770 years. It was spread to the Christian kingdom in 1492. -
Jan 3, 1492
No more Moors
The Christian went to kill the last Moors by boat. They killed all the Moors and it took them 771 years. -
Jun 22, 1492
The fall of Granada.
The Granada lost to the to the Christian forces. And the Moors lost the only land they had in Spain. -
The dead
Between 3000 to 5000 people died when the Inquisition stared.