Recognizing God's Presence

  • strength

    This symbol of strength is special to me because it reminds me of my father. Dad is one of the most important people in my life and has always been an example for me. He is very strong both physically and internally, and also provides me with a kind of confidence and protection. I would like to have the same core and fortitude as him in the future. Dad is like God’s image to me, he forces me on this path of life, just like Jesus does
  • heart

    The heart symbol reminds me of my mother. My mother is very close to me, she gave me this life, gave me a wonderful childhood and continues to give. She is truly a bright person with a bright heart. I feel tenderness and great, sincere love with her, as well as a special connection, rather on a spiritual, religious level. Mom is a piece of something divine for me and even looking at her I feel this power
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    My birthday is probably the most important holiday in my life. On this winter day I was born, I got the opportunity to be human and feel all the joys and hardships of this path. Every year on my day I feel something special inside. It seems to me that this is the feeling of God, because God lives in each of us. I love my birthdays, enjoy every minute of this holiday and am grateful for the opportunity to live my own story
  • sun

    The sun for me is my best friend. I associate her with this symbol because Vika is a very positive person who always makes me smile. Every time I feel sad, she can immediately cheer me up and lift my spirits within minutes. We have been friends for 10 years and during this time she has become part of my family and a truly dear person to me. Any member of my family gives me a feeling of God, because all people are created by God and everyone inside is a god and Vika is no exception
  • quiet time

    quiet time
    Once in my childhood, when I was about 5 years old, an unusual incident happened to me. I was in kindergarten and that day I lost an important and favorite toy for me. I was very upset and couldn’t sleep during quiet time. Lying in tears, I decided to ask God for help and a few minutes later sunlight fell on part of the room with toys. At that moment, something pulled me there and, approaching this place, I found my toy there. It was something truly magical for me
  • easter

    Every Easter my family and I go to church, this is our tradition, and one day a situation happened to me there that I still cannot forget. I was about 10 years old, and, as always, I went to church on Easter with my parents. As soon as we entered, I felt strength and indescribable joy inside, and throughout my stay there I was overcome by a wild range of emotions. I don’t know what it was connected with, but it seems to me that at that moment I felt the power of God
  • new year

    new year
    New Year is a quick holiday for me, and every time the chimes strike, I feel special. One of the most extreme incidents occurred in 2020. It was the eve of 2021 and a few days before and after the holiday I was in a magical mood and I was very imbued with the spirit of the holiday, it gave me a feeling of something great, holy
  • homeland

    On February 24, 2022, war began in my home country, and my city was one of the first to suffer. I still remember that day and all the difficult days that followed. I’m just incredibly grateful that I left the city on time and didn’t have to go through all that the horror that many of my friends went through, and remembering this, I feel God, who, it seems to me, saved me and my life
  • notification

    There was a moment when I was at home and a wave of bad emotions overwhelmed me. It was this year, I don’t remember the exact day, but I remember the strong emotions that I experienced. Then a lot of things came crashing down on me and only terrible thoughts came to my mind, and suddenly I received a notification. It was a message from an old friend of mine who I hadn’t spoken to in a very long time. At that moment I took it as a sign from above and realized that it was not time to give up yet