Rebecca Richardson Innovators and Inventions Timeline

  • Luther Burbank

    Luther Burbank
    Luther Burbank was an American Plant breeder who made his invention in 1871 in America. Burbank wanted to improve the common Irish potato. He grew and observed 23 potato seedlings from an Early Rose parent. Burbank sold the rights to the Burbank potato for $150 in 1875. This invention was successful because the Burbank potato was selected and named the Russet Burbank potato and today is the most widely used cultivated potato in the United States and are used in McDonaldś fries.
  • Cash Register

    Cash Register
    In 1879, James Ritty invented the cash register in Dayton, Ohio. Ritty invented the cash register because employees were stealing money. He saw a machine that counted the number of times that the shipś propellor completed a revolution and then thought that he could make a machine to keep track of sales. The cash register was successful due to economic growth because people needed safe places to keep track of their money so it didn't get stolen.
  • Lewis E. Waterman

    Lewis E. Waterman
    Lewis E. Waterman invented the fountain pen in 1883 in New York City. Waterman was with a client and the pen refused to write and leaked onto the important document. He began to make fountain pens in his brother's workshop. This invention was successful due to technology because people thought that it was a good idea because you need to keep important documents safe and the fountain pen wouldn’t leak and it had no problem being able to write.
  • Lewis E. Waterman

  • Revolving Door

    Revolving Door
    In 1888, Theophilus Van Kannel invented the revolving door in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He invented this because in high-rise buildings, regular doors are hard to open because there is a slight vacuum caused by air flowing upwards through stairwells, chimneys and elevator shafts. He began manufacturing and installed the first one in a local building. This invention was successful due to economic growth because people could afford it and it would benefit them because it is easier to use.
  • Cotton Candy

    Cotton Candy
    In 1897, William Morrison and John C. Wharton invented cotton candy in Nashville, Tennessee. Morrison was a dentist and wanted to floss teeth with cotton candy. They made a device that heated sugar in a spinning bowl that has tiny holes in it and as the bowl spun around, sugar was forced into tiny holes. This invention was successful due to economic growth because people has a lot of money and would go to the fair and pay expensive prices to get cotton candy.