
  • Apr 6, 1483

    Raphael Born

    Raphael Born
    Raphael was born in Urbino Italy. His parents were Giovanni Santi and Magia di Battista Ciarla;
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Father dies

    Father dies
    Raphael's father died but still managed to teach Raphael many things. He gave him his first painting instruction and taught him humanistic philosophy at the court.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Apprentice to Perugino

    Apprentice to Perugino
    It was here Raphael learned most of his techniques. Raphael acquired a lot of professional instruction and learned new styles
  • Jan 1, 1505

    Taught in Florence

    Taught in Florence
    Raphael was taught by Michaelangelo and Da Vinci in Florence Italy. He also created a lot of Madonnas or art of the virgin Mary.
  • Jan 1, 1507

    Commissioned to paint the "Deposition of Christ"

    Commissioned to paint the "Deposition of Christ"
    In the painting, Raphael showed his interest and ability in human anatomy. He learned from Da Vinci and Michaelangelo great things but he changed the style. The painting is now located in the Borghese Gallery in Rome
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Called to Rome by the Pope

    Called to Rome by the Pope
    In Raphael's last years in Rome, he painted many great pictures for the Pope/City and worked with Michaelangelo. For example he painted "The School of Athens"
  • Apr 6, 1520

    Raphael Dies

    Raphael Dies
    Raphael was one of the greatest artists of his time and he influenced the Renaissance in many ways.